Changsha to Sanya Train
At present, Changsha Railway Station supports 1 train to Sanya Railway Station.
The Changsha to Sanya train requires about 24 hours to finish the journey as long as 1,830 kilometers (1,137 miles).
The train ticket price of a soft sleeper is CNY 876 and of a hard sleeper is CNY 537.
Changsha to Sanya Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z501 Details of the Train Z501:
24H4M | 10:38 Changsha | 10:42+1 Sanya |
Another Transportation Option: Changsha to Sanya Flight
Travel Tips of Changsha to Sanya Train
2. The temperature between the two cities is quite different. Remember to take suitable clothes with you in case of catching a cold.
3. Mobile charger, food and a water cup should also be packed in your suitcase. They are available onboard, but at higher prices.
4. Take something like a book or download some movies to make your time onboard as funny as possible. Watching the continuously changed scenery from city to city outside the window is also a good method to kill time and know more about China.
How to Get to Changsha Railway Station from Downtown
How to Get to Famous Attractions from Sanya Railway Station
To Yalong Bay
To Dadonghai
Sanya to Changsha Train

- Last updated on Mar. 25, 2022 -