Suzhou to Shijiazhuang Train
Four Suzhou to Shijiazhuang high speed trains serve passengers on a daily basis from Suzhou North Railway Station to Shijiazhuang Railway Station. Due to the different running routes, travel time for these Suzhou to Shijiazhuang train varies from 5.5 hours to 7 hours. The second class seat costs CNY 590.
7 normal trains are also in daily service. All the trains leave from Suzhou Railway Station while arrive at both Shijiazhuang Railway Station and Shijiazhuang North Railway Station. Among them, the train with shortest travel time takes nearly 13 hours. The price of hard sleeper ranges from CNY 250 to CNY 280.
Suzhou to Shijiazhuang Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration |
Other Transportation Options from Suzhou to Shijiazhuang
Transfer at Nanjing South Railway Station
Suzhou North to Nanjing South | Nanjing South to Shijiazhuang | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Price Second Class Seat / Second Class Seat |
G1952 08:35 - 09:38 | G54 10:55 - 15:25 | 6h50m | CNY 99.5 + CNY 388.0 = CNY 487.5 |
G7218 15:57 - 17:13 | G2812 18:16 - 23:30 | 7h33m | CNY 104.5 + CNY 494 = CNY 598.5 |
G128 11:40 - 12:36 | G1956 13:45 - 19:31 | 7h51m | CNY 99.5 + CNY 494 = CNY 534.5 |
Transfer at Zhengzhou East Railway Station
Suzhou North to Zhengzhou East | Zhengzhou East to Shijiazhuang | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Price Second Class Seat / Second Class Seat |
G1970 06:35 - 11:00 | G84 12:08 - 13:29 | 6h54m | CNY 413.5 + CNY 189.5 = CNY 603 |
G1932 14:09 - 18:31 | G674 19:46 - 21:46 | 7h37m | CNY 413.5 + CNY 189.5 = CNY 603 |
G1956 12:36 - 17:28 | G402 18:34 - 20:36 | 8h | CNY 413.5 + CNY 189.5 = CNY 603 |
Shijiazhuang to Suzhou Train
3 high speed trains serve on a daily basis from Shijiazhuang to Suzhou, taking about 6 – 7h. The ticket price for a second class seat is CNY590.
7 normal speed trains also serve. Due to the different running routes, the normal train with shortest travel time takes over 12 hours, while the train with longest travel time takes nearly 17 hours. The hard sleeper costs CNY 254.5.
See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Shijiazhuang Train Schedule

- Last updated on Oct. 10, 2019 -