Suzhou to Kunshan Train
Nearly 110 Suzhou to Kunshan high speed trains serve passengers on a daily basis. Most of these bullet trains start from Suzhou Railway Station, a few of them set out from Suzhou North Railway Station. About every ten minutes, there is a Suzhou to Kunshan high speed train leaving. A single trip takes about 10-20 minutes. A ride on the second class seat is CNY 9.5-14.5, and on the first class seat is CNY 19-24.5.
It takes about 20 normal trains around 30 minutes to travel from Suzhou to Kunshan. All of these trains start from Suzhou Railway Station and arrive at Kunshan Railway Station. The ticket price of the soft sleeper is CNY 85.5-126.5, of the hard sleeper is CNY 63, and of the hard seat is CNY 9.
Nearly 140 trains run from Kunshan to Suzhou everyday. Among them, about 100 are high speed trains, whose running time is 10-20 minutes; the rest 40 trains are normal trains, whose running time is about 30 minutes.
See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Kunshan Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Suzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Kunshan to:
It takes about 20 normal trains around 30 minutes to travel from Suzhou to Kunshan. All of these trains start from Suzhou Railway Station and arrive at Kunshan Railway Station. The ticket price of the soft sleeper is CNY 85.5-126.5, of the hard sleeper is CNY 63, and of the hard seat is CNY 9.
Suzhou to Kunshan Train Tickets Booking
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Kunshan to Suzhou Train:

- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2021 -