Suzhou to Jinhua Train
So far, 7 Suzhou to Jinhua high speed trains are available, taking 2.5-3 hours to finish the overall travel distance of 397 kilometers (247 miles). They are traveling from Suzhou or Suzhou North Railway Station to the Jinhua or Jinhua South Railway Station. The price of a first class seat is CNY 303 - 305.5 and of a second class seat is CNY 184 - 186.5.
Besides, 5 normal speed trains are operated from Suzhou Railway Station with the duration of 5.5 to 6.5 hours. It costs CNY 64.5 for a hard seat, CNY 220.5 for a soft sleeper and CNY 122.5 for a soft sleeper.
Suzhou to Shanghai High Speed Railway Line: With the overall travel distance of 84 kilometers (52 miles), this line constitutes a section of Beijing - Shanghai High Speed Railway Line, connecting Suzhou Railway Station, Suzhou North Railway Station, Kunshan South Railway Station and Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station.
Shanghai to Jinhua High Speed Railway Line: Constituting an important part of Shanghai - Kunming High Speed Railway Line, Shanghai - Jinhua High Speed Railway Line is 313 kilometers (194 miles) in length, linking railway stations including Shanghai Hongqiao, Hangzhou South and Yiwu.
8 Jinhua to Suzhou high speed trains are available taking 2.5-3 hours, and 8 normal speed trains are operated with the duration of 5.5-7.5 hours.
See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Jinhua Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Suzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Jinhua to:
Besides, 5 normal speed trains are operated from Suzhou Railway Station with the duration of 5.5 to 6.5 hours. It costs CNY 64.5 for a hard seat, CNY 220.5 for a soft sleeper and CNY 122.5 for a soft sleeper.
Suzhou to Jinhua Train Ticket Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration |
Running Route of Suzhou - Jinhua High Speed Train

Jinhua to Suzhou Train

- Last updated on May. 06, 2020 -