Shenzhen to Shenyang Train
Presently, 2 Shenzhen to Shenyang trains are running from Shenzhen East Railway Station to Shenyang North Railway Station. The Shenzhen to Shenyang train requires the travel time of 32 - 34 hours to complete the total travel distance which is as long as 3,159 kilometers (1,963 miles). The ticket price for a soft sleeper is CNY 851.5 - 871.5 and for a hard sleeper is CNY 549.5 - 566.5.
Travel Time: Around 32 - 34 hours
Travel Distance: 3,159 kilometers (1,963 miles)
Operated at: Shenzhen East Railway Station, Shenyang North Railway Station
Major Stations along the Way: Shenzhen, Dongguan East, Huizhou, Heyuan, Ganzhou, Nanchang West, Jiujiang, Fuyang, Shangqiu South, Hengshui, Tianjin, Tangshan, Shanhaiguan, Jinzhou, Panjin, Liaoyang and Shenyang North.
Over 140 Shenzhen to Guangzhou high speed trains are running from Shenzhen North Railway Station to Guangzhou South Railway Station, taking about 0.5 hours. A second class seat costs CNY 74.5.
How to Get to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport from Guangzhou South Railway Station
Passengers can take metro line 2 to the stop Jiahewanggang via 23 stops and then transfer to metro line 3. After they get to the stop The Airport South, they can get out through the north exit.
From Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to Shenyang Taoxian International Airport, 4 flights scheduled from 08:00 to 10:25 are for passengers’ use. These flights take the duration of about 4 hours and the airfare is from CNY 700 to CNY 1,200.
Shenyang Imperial Palace is located in Shenhe District. It is consisted of three parts: Dazheng Hall and Shiwang Pavilion and Dazhongque which includes Daqing Gate, Chongzheng Palace, and Phoenix Tower and so on. When you visit the palace, you can see lots of architectures with exquisite decoration. Also, you can go to the exhibition hall to appreciate the elegant and precious treasures.
The Botanical Garden is built around Qipan Mountain which has picturesque scenery. There are lots of botanical plants from Northeast, Northwest, North China and Inner Mongolia. The symbolic architectures in the scenic area include Lily Tower, Phoenix Square and Rose Garden. One can have so much fun in Shenyang Botanical Garden.
The Strange Slope is famous for its unnatural phenomenon. When one drive the car down the slope and pull up, the car will go up which owns to the magnetic field. It is suggested to ride a bike down the slope to experience the bike going up without any outside force. Except for this, tourists can also visit scenic spots such as Xiangshan and Wongding in the area. In current days, one can also have the chance to see different animals there including bears, leopards and tigers.
There are only 2 Shenyang to Shenzhen trains available from Shenyang North Railway Station to Shenzhen East Railway Station. The travel time is about 31.5 - 35.5 hours.
See detailed Shenzhen Train Schedule & Shenyang Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Shenzhen to:
Major Rail Lines from Shenyang to:
Basic Facts of Shenzhen to Shenyang Train

Shenzhen to Shenyang Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z310 Details of the Train Z310:
31H47M | 17:42 Shenzhen East | 01:29+2 Shenyang North | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z186 Details of the Train Z186:
33H48M | 20:05 Shenzhen East | 05:53+2 Shenyang North |
Other Transportation Option: Shenzhen to Guangzhou High Speed Train + Guangzhou to Shenyang Flight
Shenzhen to Guangzhou High Speed Train

Passengers can take metro line 2 to the stop Jiahewanggang via 23 stops and then transfer to metro line 3. After they get to the stop The Airport South, they can get out through the north exit.
Guangzhou to Shenyang Flight
Where to Go in Shenyang
The Botanical Garden is built around Qipan Mountain which has picturesque scenery. There are lots of botanical plants from Northeast, Northwest, North China and Inner Mongolia. The symbolic architectures in the scenic area include Lily Tower, Phoenix Square and Rose Garden. One can have so much fun in Shenyang Botanical Garden.
The Strange Slope is famous for its unnatural phenomenon. When one drive the car down the slope and pull up, the car will go up which owns to the magnetic field. It is suggested to ride a bike down the slope to experience the bike going up without any outside force. Except for this, tourists can also visit scenic spots such as Xiangshan and Wongding in the area. In current days, one can also have the chance to see different animals there including bears, leopards and tigers.
Shenyang to Shenzhen Train

- Last updated on Mar. 14, 2025 by Grace Yang -