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Kunming to Hekou Train

Currently, 2 Kunming to Hekou trains are running from Kunming Railway Station to Hekou North Railway Station. The travel time of 5.5 to 7 hours is needed for these Kunming to Hekou trains to complete the distance of 372 kilometers (231 miles) or 400 kilometers (249 miles). The ticket price for a soft sleeper is CNY 145.5; for a hard sleeper is CNY 86.5 and for a hard seat is CNY 54.5. Major railway stations along the railway line include Yuxi, Tonghai, Jianshui, Mengzi and Pingbian.

In the very near future, Kunming to Hekou high speed trains will be available, taking around 3 hours and 40 minutes. Also, according to the long-term plan, Kunming to Hekou bullet trains will be extended to Haiphong City of Vietnam. In that case, passengers can travel from Kunming to Haiphong by bullet train and save lots of time.

Kunming to Hekou Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train C552:
1Kunming -08:26
2Yuxi 09:2609:30
3Tonghai 09:5209:56
4Jianshui 10:3310:37
5Gejiu 11:0111:07
6Honghe [Yunnan] 11:2211:26
7Mengzi 11:4511:49
8Pingbian 12:1912:23
9Hekou North 13:07-
Hekou North
Details of the Train C562:
1Xuanwei -11:12
2Qujing 11:5311:59
3Kunming 13:1113:21
4Yuxi 14:2114:25
5Tonghai 14:4714:51
6Jianshui 15:2815:32
7Gejiu 16:0516:09
8Honghe [Yunnan] 16:2416:28
9Mengzi 16:4716:51
10Pingbian 17:2117:25
11Hekou North 18:09-
Hekou North
Details of the Train K9602:
1Kunming -14:45
2Yuxi 16:1216:16
3Tonghai 17:0917:11
4Qujiang 17:3917:42
5Jianshui 18:2318:28
6Mengzi 19:2519:30
7Pingbian 20:16-
8Hekou North 21:3021:30
Hekou North
Details of the Train C559:
1Kunming South -18:30
2Yuxi 19:0719:11
3Jianshui 20:0620:13
4Gejiu 20:5120:55
5Honghe [Yunnan] 21:1021:14
6Mengzi 21:2721:31
7Pingbian 21:5922:03
8Hekou North 22:47-
Kunming South
Hekou North

How to Get to Kunming Railway Station

By metro

Passengers can take metro line 1 to get to the railway station directly.

By Bus

One can also take direct city bus 202, C66, or C85 to get there.

What to Do in Hekou

Take Photos in China-Vietnam Railway Bridge

Built in the late Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911), China-Vietnam Railway Bridge is the first railway bridge in China’s history. Although the railway bridge now becomes a famous scenic spot, it is still used for cargo transportation between China and Vietnam. If you want to see the old-styled railway bridge that links two different countries, then you should go there.

Visit Vietnam after crossing Hekou Port

Hekou Port is the biggest port in Yunnan Province. It links China with Vietnam. If you get a temporary visitor visa or carry your passport, you can go to Vietnam after crossing the port. It may take only about 10 minutes. If you don’t take your passport with you but you are desperate to travel Vietnam for half a day or one day, you can just consult the staff in travel agencies around there they can help you have a satisfied tour in Vietnam.

Drift in Nanxi River

Water in the Nanxi River runs rapidly. If you want to drift over water, the river is your best choice. Also, you can watch the beautiful scenery of the rainforest in the scenic area. 

Buy Vietnam Specialties in Hekou Market

In Hekou, many Vietnamese business men sell things in the market of Hekou. The most famous shopping places are Vietnam Specialty Shop and Hekou Market. You can buy some tropical fruits like coconuts. It saves the trouble of going to Vietnam to buy the things that you want. Most importantly, you can also taste the authentic Vietnam Steamed Vermicelli Roll there.

Hekou to Kunming Train

2 Hekou to Kunming trains are in service, requiring the travel time of 5 to 7 hours.

 See detailed Kunming Train Schedule 

 Major Rail Lines from Kunming to:
- Last updated on Oct. 24, 2019 -