Ox - Love Compatibility
People with Chinese zodiac Ox sign usually are serious about matching for marriage, and romance is a means to an end. They do poorly in packaging themselves for that eventuality and they hate duplicity.
They seem outright bland, but they do have a soft and generous inside. They are usually reserved and shy and refrain from aggressive hot pursuits.
They are more balanced in their relationship, and thus minimize disruptions over financial matters.

Male Ox in Love
Stubborn, suspicious, tender...
In married life they are ideal husbands and good bread earners. They enjoy family life and its bliss.
Female Ox in Love
Devoted, loyal, faithful...
Steadfast and devoted, they will not deviate once they make up their minds. They will not regret with their earlier commitment even should someone far better show up later. However, they are extremely jealous and possessive to a fault despite being deeply in love. In short, they are both selfish and self-willed.
However, they may adjust reasonably well to the demands of their domestic lives.
How to get along with Ox?
Most oxen are inclined to mask their real feelings in their pretense to be respectable, so people should understand the need to draw them out from their shells. When misunderstanding occurs, they will need a friend to coax them into hearing the story from the other side. Their views are most likely to be subjective, and they generally lack tolerance. One will need lots of tact when attempting to make friends with them. Oxen incline to be show offs, so people should never grab their limelight in public occasions.
Love Compatibility in Marriage
Generally Speaking, Oxen can accommodate with people of Rat, Snake and Rooster zodiac signs according to compatibility rules. A happy marriage can be predicted. On the other hand they should avoid those of Tiger, Dragon, Horse and Sheep zodiac families. Perfect Matches:
Rat | They have tacit agreement in option, and both of them are willing to share more family duties. Cooperation enhances their bonds new heights. |
Snake | Both of them are competent in their own fields, but they can share and explore life together. With like interests, they will grow more intimate. |
Rooster | They are a pair that draws wide admiration, for they will stick it out through thick and thin together. |
Complementary Matches:
Rabbit | They will listen to each other and mend their erroneous ways. They are good communicators as well. |
Dog | They aspire to life's own enrichment, while maintaining mutual respects toward each other. They face the turmoil and challenges without fear. |
Acceptable Matches:
Ox | They are the perfect fit. They share the same goals to strive for a good standard of living. |
Monkey | They need to get rid of squabbling, but both of them are loyal, caring and responsible in marriage. |
Possible the Best or Worst Match:
Pig | They mutually feel for each other, for they have kind of similar traits and experiences. It usually takes a long time to make a decision together, for they do have differences. They need to accept each other's differences in order to get along. |
Tiger | Tigers like to manipulate and bend oxen to do their wishes, which cowers their victims. |
Dragon | Their marriage will be unstable. Dragons like showing off, and they rarely get satiated. Each partner wants to lead, and quarrels are inevitable. |
Horse | They always want to say no, and they cannot accept other's opinion. Lack of communication also kills their relationship. |
Sheep | One is inconsiderate, and the other is quick-tempered. If they go together, tempers will flare. It makes both of them unhappy. |
Further Reading on Chinese Zodiac Ox:
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