1973 Chinese Zodiac - Water Ox

Which type of Ox are people born in 1973 Chinese Zodiac year?

According to Chinese zodiac, 1973 is the year of the Ox, and it belongs to the Water based on Chinese Five Elements. So the people born in 1973 is the Water Ox.

Chinese calendar follows lunar calendar. In Gregorian calendar, people born from February 3, 1973 to January 22, 1974 are the Water Ox, those who born from January 1 to February 2 in 1973 are Water Rat. 

Lucky Signs for 1973 Water Ox

 Lucky Numbers: 1, 4

 Lucky Colors: blue, yellow

2025 Horoscope for Water Ox Born in 1973

In terms of career, they would get help and support from others. Specifically, they would be promoted by their leaders and could get along well with colleagues, which would help their career develop smoothly. Financially, they would see ups and downs, but their financial situation could be improved as long as they can seize good opportunities for earning money such as a sensible investment.

They may be dragged down by love in the year. They need to learn to think rationally and calmly, so as to avoid getting into misunderstandings and conflicts.

There may be small problems in eye and cardiovascular health, so regular medical checkups are recommended. Meanwhile, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including the balanced diet and regular exercise, can effectively prevent health issues. 

 See more about Ox Horoscope in 2025  


Personality Traits of the 1973 Chinese Zodiac Water Ox

People with Chinese zodiac Ox born in 1973 are diligent, competent, dependable and kind. They are very capable of managing their emotions appropriately. They are right-thinking people and like to help others who are in trouble. They are very patient and careful in doing things and are not easily influenced by others or the environment.

However, most of the Water Ox are tough and irritable, and often screw up things even if they have a kind heart. They are kind of stubborn, and rarely listen to others’ opinions. They lack humor and enthusiasm, and are not good at communication.

 See more about Personality of the Ox


The career fortune for the 1973 Water Ox is not very stable. For office workers, they may not be taken seriously by leaders because they do not know how to show themselves. It is suggested that they should learn to show themselves more and strive for more business trips so that leaders can discover their talents.

For entrepreneurs, it is suggested to consistently learn knowledge related to their business and improve their own abilities, so as to achieve further development of their career.

 See more about Ox's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners


They have a pretty good fortune luck in their lives. For office workers, although their career is not stable enough, the salary is relatively good. If they learn how to show themselves well in career, their salary will be higher.

For entrepreneurs, they may not make lots of money at early time. However, if they can find and grasp the business opportunities, they will make a lot of money, live a rich life thereafter and leave much fortune for their children.

Love and Relationships

There are seldom surprises and setbacks in their love lives. When they are single, there are many admirers and they can easily find the right person.

After getting married, they may neglect their partners because they are so busy with their careers, leading to frequent quarrels. It is suggested that they spend more time with their lovers and be patient when they have conflicts with them.

 See more about Ox's Love Compatibility


Their physical condition will not have much problem, but they may suffer from minor illnesses. Therefore, they should get rid of the bad habits like playing mobile phones for long time and staying up late. If they feel uncomfortable, they’d better go to hospital at once. They are also advised to have regular physical examinations.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -