1937 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Ox
Which type of Ox are people born in 1937 Chinese zodiac year?
1937 is the year of the Ox according to Chinese zodiac. Furthermore, based on Chinese Five Elements, Ox people born in this year are Fire OX.
Refer to the Gregorian calendar, the Fire Ox year is from February 11, 1937 to January 30, 1938. Those who was born from January 1 to February 10 in 1937 are previous Chinese zodiac sign Fire Rat.
Lucky Signs for 1937 Fire Ox
Lucky numbers: 1, 4
Lucky colors: blue, yellow, green
2025 Horoscope for Fire Ox Born in 1937
The year 2025 would be a good year overall for people born in the year 1937 of the Ox. Health-wise, there would not be any major problems, but they should also be careful in daily life. They are also advised to have regular medical checkups so that they could be aware of their physical condition. They would enjoy a happy, relaxed family atmosphere. However, they should try to worry less about family chores that strain themselves. See more about Ox Horoscope in 2025
Personality Traits of the 1937 Chinese Zodiac Fire Ox
People born with Chinese zodiac Ox are cautious and practical in doing things. They always think carefully before getting down to the things. They have strong endurance and ability to distinguish right from wrong. Moreover, they are highly motivated and self-disciplined, so they can usually achieve the goals they set.
However, the Fire Ox are somewhat cold and stiff, giving the impression that they are difficult to get along with. They are stubborn and often do not listen to other people's advice. In addition, they are always silent, not good at social intercourse and communication. See more about Personality of the Ox
The Fire Ox have a relatively good luck in wealth in their old ages, not experiencing too many gains and losses. They intend to have enough retirement bonus and their early fixed deposit would enable them to live a worry-free life financially.
Love and Relationships


Ox's Character and Fortune by Five Elements
People Born in Different Years of the Ox: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021