1997 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Ox

Which type of Ox are people born in 1997 Chinese zodiac year?

1997 is the year of the Ox according to Chinese zodiac. Furthermore, in Chinese Five Elements, it is Fire Ox year.

As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, the Fire Ox year is from February 7, 1997 to January 27, 1998. Those who born from January 1 to February 6 in 1997 are Chinese zodiac Fire Rat.

Lucky Signs for 1997 Fire Ox

 Lucky Numbers: 1, 4

 Lucky Colors: green

2025 Horoscope for Fire Ox Born in 1997

People born in 1997 with Chinese zodiac Ox would not be very lucky in 2025. Despite good performance in career, they would face backbiting from villains. They need to remain vigilant, free from the influence and persist in hard work to get through this predicament.

They have average financial luck and may have some small losses in money. Therefore, they perhaps need to handle their finances prudently and avoid unnecessary waste as well as risky investments.

Some love opportunities would arise for singles, but they need to choose carefully and not be fooled by impulse. For married people, their love life may be rather well.

Health-wise, proper eye exercises and regular eye checkups should be adopted to maintain eye health.

 See more about Ox Horoscope in 2025 


Personality Traits of the 1997 Chinese Zodiac Fire Ox

People born with Chinese zodiac Ox are very smart, kind-hearted, honest, diligent, creative and practical. They have a strong sense of responsibility and are hard working.

However, they are selfish, short-sighted, narrow-minded, and not easy to become close friends with others. They are not so capable to respond immediately and confident of their decisions, so they leave a slow impression on others.

 See more about Personality of the Ox


They need to go through all kinds of difficult tests to get their career on track. For office workers, it is hard to make big money when they are young; but after their 30s, their career become better and better. For businessmen, they may experience various setbacks at the beginning; but as long as they stick to it, their business will develop steadily.

 See more about Ox's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners


Their income is not very stable because it is hard to find a job they like or start a business. But if they can make up their mind to work hard, they can earn a lot. They will get rich returns on their investment; but be cautious in investing, or they may harvest nothing.

Love and Relationships

Their love fortune are pretty good. They may meet a sweetheart at early age and finally step into marriage. After getting married, their lives are also very happy. But they may not be able to control themselves very well when there are temptations around. It is suggested that they travel more with their partners, and make some romantic surprises occasionally.

 See more about Ox's Love Compatibility


There are no big problems with their physical conditions. It is better to keep a good eating habit such as a low-sugar, high-fiber diet. Do not eat greasy and spicy food frequently, or it will do harm to their stomach and digestion, and they will become overweight.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -