Horse - Destiny by Birth Date
Best Birth Dates for Horse

Born on 1st day of a month
People with Chinese zodiac Horse born on these days may meet some difficulties and disasters in their lifetime, especially in love and marriage life. Be sensible and deal with them reasonably!
Born on 2nd day of a month
This group of people is predicted to get help from dignified persons and achieve success in career step by step.
Born on 3rd day of a month
They are nice, kind-hearted, and always ready to help others, but may be misunderstood, so be nice in proper ways.
Born on 4th day of a month
Their life in general is plain, except the love life, which may be quite “colorful” but bring them troubles.
Born on 5th day of a month
People born on these days in the year of the Horse are predicted to be skillful and talented. If working hard, they may achieve both fame and fortune.
Born on 6th day of a month
Born with good financial luck, they may live a rich life. But be careful of taking care of their fortune.
Born on 7th day of a month
They may not have the intelligence to be an official, but there is a great possibility for them to be a successful businessman. However, they may live a lonely life as their partner may not be so good.
Born on 8th day of a month
Horses born on these days may live a busy life rushing around. Fortunately, they may get help from others to enable a smooth life.
Born on 9th day of a month
Being clever, skillful and intelligent, they may live a rich and glorious life.
Born on 10th day of a month
Famous for good skills in many areas, they may develop the career smoothly and make a great achievement.
Born on 11th day of a month
During their lifetime, they may meet some troubles causing them financial loses. If doing business, it is predicted to be difficult for them to make a fortune.
Born on 12th day of a month
Horses born on these days may meet some bad guys, who probably take them into court. Not good at doing business, they may live a life full of ups and downs financially.
Born on 13th day of a month
Born on these days with Chinese zodiac Horse, they are honest and trustworthy. They never do things by halves.
Born on 14th day of a month
This group of Horses is predicted to be healthy, gentle, polite, and trustworthy. There is a great possibility for them to achieve power or a high position in the government.
Born on 15th day of a month
They are generous, but kind of vain and addicted to alcohol and flattery. In general, their life is full of both bitterness and happiness.
Born on 16th day of a month
People born on these days in the year of the Horse are predicted to live a plain life with ups and downs. About personalities, they may be brave, but ill-tempered.
Born on 17th day of a month
There may be some setbacks in their marriage life and they may live a wandering life with bitterness more than happiness.
Born on 18th day of a month
They are tough and may contribute a lot to their country and people. But they may meet some difficulties and failures along their life path.
Born on 19th day of a month
Being smart and talented, they can achieve a successful career and great fame. According to the fate prediction, the destiny of females born on these days is even better than that of males.
Born on 20th day of a month
This group of people is predicted to live a rich and powerful life with many offspring and prosperous family business.
Born on 21st day of a month
They may pay a lot for their continuous love affairs and live a poor life both financially and mentally.
Born 22nd day of a month
The destiny prediction says their life is not so good with setbacks showing up every now and then. Their sons and daughters may not be nice to them.
Born on 23rd day of a month
They are not trustworthy and quarrelsome. Their life before middle ages is plain but turns good since after and they may live a rich late life. Their offspring may live a good life based on their accumulations.
Born on 24th day of a month
Addicted to alcohol and somehow dissolute, they may waste their whole lifetime achieving nothing. However, if the birth hour is auspicious, the destiny can be different.
Born on 25th day of a month
Good at doing business, they may make many money and rich friends. But their family life may not be so happy.
Born on 26th day of a month
They may live a rich life with good financial luck and talents in doing business. However, they may meet some bitterness in other aspects.
Born on 27th day of a month
Working hard, they are able to make a small fortune and live an abundant life, but it is difficult for them to make a big fortune.
Born on 28th day of a month
They may be involved into lawsuits several times during their lifetime. Fortunately, they are not threatened with dangers.
Born on 29th day of a month
Born with auspicious destiny, they are predicted to live a smooth life both in career and marriage.
Born on 30th day of a month
People born on these days in the year of the Horse will live a happy and safe life. They are very likely to be clever, skillful, and good looking.
Further Reading on Chinese Zodiac Horse:
Personality by Western Astrology Signs
Character and Fortune by Five Elements