1990 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Horse

Which type of Horse are people born in 1990 Chinese zodiac year?

1990 Chinese zodiac sign is the Horse, and it is the Metal element according to Chinese Five Elements. Therefore, people born in 1990 belong to Metal Horse. The dates in Chinese calendar are different from those in Gregorian calendar. Base on Gregorian calendar, people who born from January 27 in 1990 to February 14 in 1991 are Metal Horse, and people born from January 1 to January 26 in 1990 belong to the previous Earth Snake sign.


Lucky Signs for 1966 Fire Horse

 Lucky Numbers: 2, 7

 Lucky Color: red

2025 Horoscope for Metal Horse Born in 1990

People born in 1990 are expected to receive surprises in their careers. They would be appreciated by bosses for outstanding performance thus be promoted and get a salary raise. With increasing business trips, they have the chance to meet some industry leaders to broaden their social network. Besides, people with Horse sign of 1990 may store up considerable wealth in 2025. Starting a side business may be an attemptable choice for more income.

Love fortune is optimal so that Horse people can enjoy a happy and fulfilling relationship. The singles could meet the opposite sex through friends, people who have had a partner may get into marriage, while those married are likely to have a baby. Health condition remains relatively good. They could take the chance to go out for traveling or friend gathering, which could also promote their fortune.

 See more about Horse Horoscope in 2025 

Personality Traits of the 1990 Metal Horse

People born in 1990 year of the Horse are kind-hearted and helpful, so they are very popular among friends. They are cheerful, good at communication and have strong insight. And they always have a zest for life and a quick response. So they like intellectual games and sports. The Metal Horse people have strong self-confidence. They don't like to be conformist. They often wear fashionable clothes and have good taste in all aspects.

However, the Metal Horse are very self-conscious and do not easily accept criticism from others. Some of them have a quick tongue and always speak out what they are thinking without much deliberation, so it is easy for them to offend others.

 See more about Personality of the Horse



People with Chinese zodiac Horse born in 1990 will have a good career luck through their life. They can easily get praise from their boss due to diligent work. The supervisor will appreciate them very much. And their good personality helps them get along well with their colleagues. However, in order to better develop their career, they should study some courses related to their industry.

 See more about Horse's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners



The 1990 Metal Horse will have a pretty good luck in wealth, too. They will earn a good salary due to their hard work. And with the position in workplace getting higher and higher, the salary will get higher and higher. In their spare time, they also can earn some extra money and get high profits from investment.


Love and Relationships

Their love fortune is not very good. They have always been a very emotional person, and they hope their lover loves themselves wholeheartedly. That is why it is hard for them to find a lover. In the pursuit of love, they cannot be too strict. After all, there is no 100% perfect person in this world.

 See more about Horse's Love Compatibility



Chinese zodiac horse people born in 1990 will live a very healthy life. They have strong body and full energy. They especially like exercise, which can not only strengthen the body but also help relieve pressure. So most of them have a healthy physical condition.

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 Horse's Character and Fortune by Five Elements

 People Born in Different Years of the Horse: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

- Last updated on Jan. 08, 2025 by Grace Yang -