1966 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Horse

Which type of Horse are people born in 1966 Chinese zodiac year?

1966 is the year of the Horse according to Chinese zodiac. And based on Chinese Five Elements, it is the Fire element. Therefore, people born in 1966 are the Fire Horse

As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar since ancient time, the Fire Horse year in Gregorian calendar starts from January 21, 1966 to February 8, 1967. People who born from January 1 to January 20 in 1966 are with the previous Wood Snake sign.


Lucky Signs for 1966 Fire Horse

 Lucky Numbers: 4, 9

 Lucky Color: black


2025 Horoscope for Fire Horse Born in 1966

2025 is a year of improvement in both work and wealth. Horse people born in 1966 would have better work performance and thus get the opportunity for promotion if they haven’t retired. It is advised to fully leverage their own strengths to achieve their career goals. They can also increase income through rational investment. But it’s worth noting that there may be some setbacks in personal relationships, thus it is necessary to make efforts to get along with partners and children well. Physical health is easy to be overlooked. They may need to take moderate exercise, have meals regularly and ensure sufficient rest for a healthy state.

 See more about Horse Horoscope in 2025 

Personality Traits of the 1966 Chinese Zodiac Fire Horse

People born in 1966 year of the Horse are born with intelligence. Their active, lively and outgoing personality make them have a good interpersonal relationship. They are full of confidence and enthusiasm, and they will put 100% energy into something they like. They never give up. Even if they encounter very difficult problems, they will try their best to solve them.

But the Fire Horse are stubborn and unwilling to listen to the opinions of others. Therefore, they need to learn self-control and self-restraint, listen to the views of others and patiently obey the teachings of the elderly.

 See more about Personality of the Horse



The Fire Horse do not have such a great ambition, but they are very diligent and will try hard to do everything best. Due to their down to earth character, they are easy to be appreciated by their boss and then get promotion.

 See more about Horse's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners



Due to hard work, the Horse people born in 1966 have a good fortune luck. At the same time they will win some lotteries occasionally. Because of their relatively good wealth luck, the Fire Horse who like to invest and speculate in stocks will have the opportunity to make a lot of money. However, they should have a clear vision of the market and should not follow others blindly.


Love and Relationships

The Fire Horse are very single-minded about their love, so they will not have any complicated love entanglements. Their marriage road is plain but happy. There will not be many quarrels with their spouse, and they understand each other well. And the relationship among their families is very harmonious, too. Their children are also very filial.

 See more about Horse's Love Compatibility



People born in 1966 year of the Horse will not suffer from any serious illness in their whole life, but there are many minor ailments. They need to take notice of head diseases and eye diseases. Remember to work properly, strike a proper balance between work and rest, and go to hospital in time when they feel sick.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -