1978 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Horse

Which type of Horse are people born in 1978 Chinese zodiac year?

People born in 1978 is with the Chinese zodiac Horse sign and 1978 is with the Earth element based on Chinese Five Elements. So, people with Chinses zodiac Horse born in 1978 is the Earth Horse.

Chinese people follow lunar calendar since ancient time. Referring to Gregorian calendar, the Earth Horse year begins from February 7, 1978 to January 27, 1979. Those who born from January 1 to February 6 in 1978 are the previous Fire Snake.


Lucky Signs for 1966 Fire Horse

 Lucky Numbers: 2, 6, 8

 Lucky Colors: brown, yellow, purple

2025 Horoscope for Earth Horse Born in 1978

Those born in 1978 are expected to make breakthroughs in their career in 2025. They would move forward smoothly in the workplace because they would gain recognition from superiors for their skills and strengths. The wealth luck is also good thanks to stable jobs and substantial bonuses. They would make pleasing income through outstanding work on important projects. However, it is not easy for them to have a lot of savings due to the life pressure. Low-risk investments with relatively good returns might be the best choices.

The back fortune in love and relationships may call Horse people’s attention in family communications. With adolescent children and middle-aged partner, they may be faced with increasing family conflicts. The health conditions seem to be not bad. It should be noted that they need to be careful when going outside to reduce the risk of accidents.

 See more about Horse Horoscope in 2025  

Personality Traits of the 1978 Chinese Zodiac Earth Horse

People born in 1978 year of the Horse are optimists. They have a strong sense of responsibility with easy-going, kind-hearted, helpful characteristics, so it is easy for them to make friends with others. And they are definitely a reliable friend. They are honest people who can be fair and just when getting along with others.

However, they are bad-tempered and a little impatient, which always leads them to give up in halfway. They are very proud and even conceited to admit their disadvantages. They also complain the unhappiness of life a lot. It is suggested that they should live for the moment and try to be content with the current situation.

 See more about Personality of the Horse



The overall career fortune for the 1978 Fire Horse is good. Their smartness and diligence will be easily appreciated by the supervisors, so they have more opportunities to get promotion. They know how to use the resources around them to develop their career, so they can easily become managers of the company.

 See more about Horse's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners



The Chinese zodiac Fire Horse have a very good luck in wealth. They can earn considerable salary from work. And their investment luck in also good enough. They will meet some professionals to help them, so it is easy for them to make some extra money from investment. But they should get rid of bad habits such as wasting money and spending money in useless things.


Love and Relationships

They will go passing a relatively smooth road of love and relationships. Because of their kindness, they have many friends. And the Horse people will only have one lover through their life. They will take good care of their spouses, and their spouses also know how much they love them and treat them in the same way. However, keep a calm attitude when getting along with children; do not be too tough.

 See more about Horse's Love Compatibility



The health fortune is not very good. They are easy to get mad, so they may get some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It is necessary for them to learn to control their temper and adjust and vent their bad emotion in a reasonable and healthy way.

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 Horse's Character and Fortune by Five Elements

 People Born in Different Years of the Horse: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -