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Guangzhou to Yangzhou Train

At present, 1 Guangzhou to Yangzhou high speed train is in service from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Yangzhou East Railway Station, taking about 8.5 hours to complete the overall travel distance of 1,904 kilometers (1,183 miles). The ticket price for a first class seat is CNY 1,251 and for a second class seat is CNY 783.

In addition, tourists can transfer in Nanjing as an option. The overall travel time is about 10 hours and the ticket price for a Guangzhou to Nanjing and Nanjing to Yangzhou second class seat is CNY 770.

Guangzhou to Yangzhou Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train G1554:
1Guangzhou South -06:18
2Shaoguan 07:0907:11
3Leiyang West 07:5808:00
4Hengshan West 08:2508:27
5Changsha South 08:5609:06
6Yueyang East 09:4109:48
7Xianning North 10:2110:23
8Wuhan 10:4810:56
9Hongan West 11:1911:21
10Hefei South 12:3712:41
11Nanjing South 13:3313:41
12Zhenjiang 14:0714:09
13Yangzhou East 14:3914:41
14Huaian East 15:2015:22
15Lianshui 15:3315:35
16Guannan 15:4915:51
17Lianyungang 16:2016:25
18Ganyu 16:4016:42
19Lanshan West 17:0017:02
20Rizhao West 17:1617:18
21Qingdao West 17:4717:57
22Qingdao North 18:3418:39
23Qingdao 19:00-
Guangzhou South
Yangzhou East

Other Transportation Options

Option 1: Transfer in Nanjing

Guangzhou South to Nanjing South Nanjing South to Yangzhou East Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat
G1554: 06:18 - 13:33 D2875: 15:08 - 16:07 9h49m CNY 708 + CNY 62 = CNY 770

Option 2: Guangzhou to Yangzhou Flight

1 flight scheduled at 07:50 is available from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to Yangzhou Taizhou Airport. The travel time is 2 hours and the airfare is from CNY 500 to CNY 1,200.

Where to Go in Yangzhou

Slender West Lake get its name from its long and narrow shape. On both sides of Slender West Lake, there are lots of architectures with ancient Chinese style. The most famous architectures there are Twenty-four Bridges, White Tower, Wuting Bridge, Diaoyu Terrace and Changti Chunliu. Tourists can appreciate the beautiful scenery on boat or just wander among various flowers. Most importantly, when it comes to summer, tourists have the chance to see the tower, pavilions, terrace and bridges brightened by light during the whole night.

He Garden can be divided into two parts: the east garden and the west garden. The main architecture in the east garden is Simian Hall and on the north of the hall, there is a rockery garden. A small hexagonal pavilion can be seen on the east of Simian Hall. In the south of the hall, five halls are built and in the corridor, one can see a Semi-Moon Platform which is used to appreciate the moon. The west garden is quite large. All the buildings are built around a big pond which is located in the center of the west garden. The famous building in the west garden is the butterfly hall for it looks like a butterfly in distance.

Daming Temple and the buildings around it show the Buddhist culture to all the tourists. It has lots of temples and buildings of Buddhism, cultural relics and various gardens. There are Xiling Tower, Pingshan Hall and Monumental Archway in the temple. Tourists can go upstairs to the Xiling Tower to have a bird’s eye view of the whole temple. Or they can participate activities like Fahui on the birthday of Bodhisattva and other commemoration days alike. Moreover, on every 31th December, tourists have the chance to see the bell striking which is for welcoming the next year.

Yangzhou to Guangzhou Train

1 Yangzhou to Guangzhou bullet train is in service from Yangzhou East Railway Station to Guangzhou South Railway Station, taking the travel time of about 8.5 hours.

 See detailed Guangzhou Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Guangzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Yangzhou to:
- Last updated on Mar. 12, 2025 by Grace Yang -