Dunhuang to Zhangye Train
Currently, 2 Dunhuang to Zhangye high speed trains are available from Dunhuang Railway Station to Zhangye West Railway Station, requiring the travel time of about 4 hours. The ticket price for a first class seat is CNY 278 and for a second class seat is CNY 174.5.
1 Dunhuang to Zhangye normal speed train is also running from Dunhuang Railway Station to Zhangye Railway Station, taking 7.5 hours. A soft sleeper costs CNY 231 and a hard sleeper costs CNY 154.
From Zhangye West Railway Station: One can take city bus new no.1 to bus stop Xiguan Panxuan Road, then walk west along West Street for about 150 meters (160 yards) to G312 Road and then walk north along the road for about 200 meters (220 yards) to get to Zhangye West Long Distance Bus Terminal. After take a direct long-distance bus to the geological park.
From Zhangye Railway Station: Passengers can take city bus 1 to bus stop Industrial and Commercial Bank and walk west along East Street for about 1,000 meters (1,100 yards) to the Zhangye West Long Distance Bus Terminal and take direct bus to get to Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park.
From Zhangye West Railway Station: Passengers can take city bus 1 to Giant Buddha Temple Square, and then walk north along Xianfu Street for about 200 meters (220 yards) to get to Wooden Pagoda Temple.
From Zhangye Railway Station: Take city bus 1 to bus stop Postal Savings Bank, and then walk north along Xinfu Street for about 200 meters (220 yards) to get to the temple.
From Zhangye West Railway Station: Passengers can take city bus new no.1 to Xiangyong Hotel, then walk north along South Street for about 250 meters (270 yards) to get to the temple.
From Zhangye Railway Station: Take city bus 1 to bus stop Postal Savings Bank and then walk north along Xianfu Street for about 50 meters (60 yards) to Minzhu West Street and then walk east along the road for about 300 meters (330 yards) to get to Giant Buddha Temple.
2 Zhangye to Dunhuang high speed trains are available, taking 4.5 to 5.5 hours. 1 normal speed train also runs from Zhangye to Dunhuang, taking nearly 8 hours.
See detailed Dunhuang Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Dunhuang to:
Major Rail Lines from Zhangye to:
1 Dunhuang to Zhangye normal speed train is also running from Dunhuang Railway Station to Zhangye Railway Station, taking 7.5 hours. A soft sleeper costs CNY 231 and a hard sleeper costs CNY 154.
Dunhuang to Zhangye Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
D2759 Details of the Train D2759:
4H8M | 07:26 Dunhuang | 11:34 Zhangye West | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
D2739 Details of the Train D2739:
4H6M | 08:40 Dunhuang | 12:46 Zhangye West | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K9669 Details of the Train K9669:
7H17M | 18:25 Dunhuang | 01:42+1 Zhangye |
How to Get to Famous Scenic Spots from Railway Stations in Zhangye
From Zhangye Railway Station: Passengers can take city bus 1 to bus stop Industrial and Commercial Bank and walk west along East Street for about 1,000 meters (1,100 yards) to the Zhangye West Long Distance Bus Terminal and take direct bus to get to Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park.
From Zhangye West Railway Station: Passengers can take city bus 1 to Giant Buddha Temple Square, and then walk north along Xianfu Street for about 200 meters (220 yards) to get to Wooden Pagoda Temple.
From Zhangye Railway Station: Take city bus 1 to bus stop Postal Savings Bank, and then walk north along Xinfu Street for about 200 meters (220 yards) to get to the temple.
From Zhangye West Railway Station: Passengers can take city bus new no.1 to Xiangyong Hotel, then walk north along South Street for about 250 meters (270 yards) to get to the temple.
From Zhangye Railway Station: Take city bus 1 to bus stop Postal Savings Bank and then walk north along Xianfu Street for about 50 meters (60 yards) to Minzhu West Street and then walk east along the road for about 300 meters (330 yards) to get to Giant Buddha Temple.
Zhangye to Dunhuang Train

- Last updated on Mar. 26, 2025 by Grace Yang -