Urumqi Weather in January

The weather of Urumqi in January is freezing and dry. The average daytime temperature is -8°C (18°F), and the average night temperature is -17°C (1°F). Sometimes the low temperature can even reach -20°C (- 4°F). It snows a little, and the average precipitation of this month is only 10mm, so the air is dry. You should pay attention to the big temperature difference between day and night. Although snow is not accumulated in the downtown area, you can enjoy the snow in the Tian Shan Mountains.

With New Year's Day in January, tourists in Urumqi may be increase, so please arrange your tour in advance.


Averages for Urumqi Weather in January

Temperature: -13°C / 9°F
High Temperature: -8°C /18°F
Low Temperature: -17°C / 1°F
Humidity: 78%
Rainfall: 10 mm
Rainy Days: 9 days
Sunrise: 09:28 ~ 09:44
Sunset: 18:42 ~ 19:19
Air Quality in January
Average AQI:139
Urumqi Air Quality in January

What to Wear in Urumqi in January

Thanks to intense heating system, you only need to wear a thin sweater plus a pair of thick pants or fleece jeans indoors. However, you should wear thick sweater, thick down jacket or long cotton-padded clothes, warm pants, woolen hat, gloves and scarf when going outside.
Urumqi Clothes in January Urumqi Wear in January

Where to Go in Urumqi in January

The climate is very cold in this month, so indoor activities are recommended. You can visit Xinjiang Regional Museum to learn about the history and culture of the city. More than 30,000 items are displayed there, including cultural relics excavated on the ancient Silk Road such as silk, bronzes, potteries, jade articles, sculptures, ancient documents, and clothing and handicrafts of various ethnic groups in Xinjiang. The highlight of this museum is mummies, especially the well-known Beauty of the Ancient Loulan Castle.

If you can stand the cold weather, you can go to Tianshan Tianchi International Ski Resort to enjoy the snow, which is located in the Tian Shan Mountains. The ski resort is equipped with seven tracks for different levels of skiers. Tourists also can experience snowmobile driving, motor paraglider and kart racing. Moreover, it is wonderful to appreciate the beautiful snow-covered landscape of Tian Shan Mountains. Local snacks in the resort’s restaurant are worth tasting.

Other Tips

You should pay attention to the big difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, and take some commonly used medicines. In January, the ultraviolet radiation is intensive and the air is dry, hence you should take care of your skin. Urumqi is a multi-ethnic city, and you should respect the customs of the ethnic groups. You’d better take a vacuum cup when venturing outside, thus you can drink hot water and make yourself warm.

What is the temperature in Urumqi in January?

High/Low Temperatures of Urumqi in January
Temperatures Graph of Urumqi in January
Air Quality of Urumqi in January
Urumqi AQI Graph in January

Historical Urumqi Weather in January

Jan Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low
1 -2.5°C / 27.5°F -13°C / 8.6°F 09:44 / 18:42 71
2 -2.7°C / 27.1°F -13.1°C / 8.4°F 09:44 / 18:43 71
3 -2.8°C / 26.9°F -13.3°C / 8°F 09:44 / 18:44 76
4 -3°C / 26.6°F -13.5°C / 7.6°F 09:44 / 18:45 74
5 -3.1°C / 26.4°F -13.6°C / 7.5°F 09:44 / 18:46 69
6 -3.2°C / 26.2°F -13.8°C / 7.1°F 09:44 / 18:47 59
7 -3.4°C / 25.8°F -13.9°C / 6.9°F 09:44 / 18:48 53
8 -3.5°C / 25.7°F -14°C / 6.8°F 09:43 / 18:49 53
9 -3.5°C / 25.7°F -14.1°C / 6.6°F 09:43 / 18:51 47
10 -3.6°C / 25.5°F -14.2°C / 6.4°F 09:43 / 18:52 52
11 -3.6°C / 25.5°F -14.3°C / 6.2°F 09:43 / 18:53 54
12 -3.7°C / 25.3°F -14.4°C / 6°F 09:42 / 18:54 70
13 -3.7°C / 25.3°F -14.5°C / 5.8°F 09:42 / 18:55 64
14 -3.7°C / 25.3°F -14.5°C / 5.8°F 09:42 / 18:55 89
15 -3.6°C / 25.5°F -14.5°C / 5.8°F 09:41 / 18:58 74
16 -3.6°C / 25.5°F -14.5°C / 5.8°F 09:40 / 18:59 83
17 -3.5°C / 25.7°F -14.5°C / 5.8°F 09:40 / 19:00 63
18 -3.4°C / 25.8°F -14.5°C / 5.8°F 09:39 / 19:01 61
19 -3.3°C / 26°F -14.4°C / 6°F 09:39 / 19:03 65
20 -3.2°C / 26.2°F -14.3°C / 6.2°F 09:38 / 19:04 57
21 -3.1°C / 26.4°F -14.3°C / 6.2°F 09:37 / 19:05 68
22 -3°C / 26.6°F -14.2°C / 6.4°F 09:37 / 19:07 74
23 -2.8°C / 26.9°F -14.1°C / 6.6°F 09:36 / 19:08 79
24 -2.7°C / 27.1°F -14°C / 6.8°F 09:35 / 19:09 91
25 -2.6°C / 31.8°F -13.9°C / 6.9°F 09:34 / 19:11 85
26 -2.4°C / 27.6°F -13.8°C / 7.1°F 09:33 / 19:12 86
27 -2.3°C / 27.8°F -13.7°C / 7.3°F 09:32 / 19:13 81
28 -2.2°C / 28°F -13.6°C / 7.5°F 09:31 / 19:15 82
29 -2.1°C / 28.2°F -13.4°C / 7.8°F 09:30 / 19:16 76
30 -1.9°C / 28.5°F -13.4°C / 7.8°F 09:29 / 19:17 59
31 -1.8°C / 28.7°F -13.3°C / 8°F 09:28 / 19:19 66
- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2019 -
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