Best Way to Travel between Xiamen and Quanzhou
The distance between Xiamen and Quanzhou is about 90 kilometers (56 miles). Generally speaking, it is very convenient to travel from Xiamen to Quanzhou or vice versa by high speed train. As the best and fastest way, the high speed train only takes 30 to 60 minutes with the ticket fare of CNY 25 - 35 for 2nd Class Seat. Besides, it is also easy for passengers to travel between Xiamen and Quanzhou via long-distance bus. The duration is about one hour, costing CNY 42/person. Currently, there is no direct flights or normal speed trains operating between these two cities.
There are over 80 pairs of high speed trains every day from Xiamen Railway Station or North Railway Station to Quanzhou Railway Station, which bring lots of convenience to passengers. It only takes around 30 to 60 minutes on the way.
From Xiamen Railway Station: 07:18 - 21:14 every 30 to 60 minutes
From North Railway Station: 07:39 - 21:19 every 20 to 30 minutes
Train Ticket Prices: CNY 25 - 35 for Second Class Seat; CNY 42 - 56 for First Class Seat; CNY 79 - 106 for Business Class Seat
Several coach stations in Xiamen operate direct long-distance buses to Quanzhou with reasonable prices. With frequent departure schedules, the travel time is around an hour on the way.
→ Take a high speed train to Quanzhou Railway Station. The duration is 30-60 minutes, costing CNY 25 to 35 for 2nd Class Seat.
→ After arriving, taking bus no.3/201/202 to the scenic area directly. In general, it spends half an hour, costing CNY 1/person.
Passengers can take high speed train from Quanzhou Railway Station and arrive at Xiamen Railway Station or North Railway Station directly. Being the most convenient way to travel between these two places, the train spends 30 to 60 minutes on the way, costing CNY 26 for 2nd Class Seat.
From Quanzhou Railway Station: 07:25 - 22:30 every 15 to 30 minutes
Train Ticket Prices: CNY 26 for Second Class Seat; CNY 42 for First Class Seat; CNY 79 for Business Class Seat
Besides high speed trains, there are also long-distance buses that can take passengers to Xiamen downtown area.
→ First of all, take high speed train from Quanzhou Railway Station to Xiamen Railway Station. It takes 30-60 minutes on the way with the fare of CNY 26 for 2nd Class Seat.
→ Then, it is suggested to take a taxi to Xiamen Dongdu Cruise Center Xiagu Wharf. It costs about CNY 20.
→ After arriving, take a ferry from Xiagu Wharf to Sanqiutian Wharf / Neicuo’ao Wharf of Gulangyu Island. The duration is about 20 minutes, costing CNY 35/person.
How to Travel from Xiamen to Quanzhou
1. Best & Fastest Way: Xiamen to Quanzhou High Speed Train: 30-60 minutes, CNY 25 to 35 for Second Class Seat
From Xiamen Railway Station: 07:18 - 21:14 every 30 to 60 minutes
From North Railway Station: 07:39 - 21:19 every 20 to 30 minutes

2. Alternative Choice: Long-distance Bus: 1 hour, CNY 42/person
Starting Point | Schedule | Ticket Price |
Wucun Coach Station | 08:20, 10:20, 11:40, 13:50, 14:50, 15:50 | CNY 42 |
Gaoqi Coach Station | 08:40, 10:40, 12:00, 14:10, 15:10, 16:10 | |
Jimei Coach Station | 08:50, 10:50, 11:10, 12:10, 14:20, 15:20, 16:20, 16:45 | |
Tong’an Hou’an Coach Station | 09:05, 11:05 | |
Fanghu Coach Station | 10:55, 16:30 |
How to Get from Xiamen to Quanzhou Mt. Qingyuan Scenic Area?
→ After arriving, taking bus no.3/201/202 to the scenic area directly. In general, it spends half an hour, costing CNY 1/person.
How to Travel from Quanzhou to Xiamen
1. Best & Fastest Way: Quanzhou to Xiamen High Speed Train: 30-60 minutes, CNY 26 for Second Class Seat
From Quanzhou Railway Station: 07:25 - 22:30 every 15 to 30 minutes

2. Alternative Choice: Long-distance Bus: 1 hour, CNY 40 - 53/person
Starting Point | Schedule | Ticket Price |
Yongchun Coach Station | 11:00, 12:50, 13:45 | CNY 45 or 53 |
Shishan Coach Station | 07:00, 11:20, 14:10 | CNY 40 or 46 |
Chongyun Chongwu Coach Station | 06:30, 09:40, 13:30, 16:40 | CNY 51 |
Quanzhou Passenger Transportation Center | 08:45, 14:25 | CNY 42 |
How to Get from Quanzhou to Xiamen Gulangyu Island?
→ Then, it is suggested to take a taxi to Xiamen Dongdu Cruise Center Xiagu Wharf. It costs about CNY 20.
→ After arriving, take a ferry from Xiagu Wharf to Sanqiutian Wharf / Neicuo’ao Wharf of Gulangyu Island. The duration is about 20 minutes, costing CNY 35/person.
- Last updated on Jul. 26, 2024 by Serena Zhou -