With a distance of 310 kilometers (193 miles) between Changchun and Shenyang, high speed train is the best way for travelers to travel between these two cities. It costs CNY 91.5 - 151.5 for Second Class Seat and only takes 1-2 hours on the way. Also, Changchun - Shenyang normal speed train also serve the public, taking 3-4 hours and CNY 43.5 - 46.5 for Hard Seat. Traveling by long-distance bus between the two cities needs nearly 4 hours in general and costs CNY 44 - 81 per person. Due to the short distance, there is no direct flight operating until now.
Best Ways to Travel from Changchun to Shenyang
Frequent high speed trains scheduled from 05:52 to 20:24 depart from
Changchun Railway Station /
Changchun West Railway Station to
Shenyang Railway Station /
Shenyang North Railway Station. The travel time is around 1-2 hours, which brings a lot of convenience for passengers.

Ticket Prices: CNY 91.5 - 151.5 for Second Class Seat; CNY 146.5 - 242.5 for First Class Seat; CNY 260.5 - 288.5 for VIP Class Seat
Over 45 normal speed trains are in service from Changchun Railway Station or Changchun West Railway Station every day to Shenyang Railway Station or Shenyang North Railway Station. Because of the lower ticket price, taking normal trains is a nice option for budget travelers.

Ticket Prices: CNY 43.5 - 46.5 for Hard Seat; CNY 89.5 - 92.5 for Hard Sleeper; CNY 135.5 - 140.5 for Soft Sleeper
3. Changchun - Shenyang Long-distance Bus: 4 Hours, CNY 44 - 81 per person

From Changchun Central Coach Station: 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00, 19:30, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30
Ticket Price: CNY 54 per person
How to Get from Changchun to Shenyang Mukden Palace?
→ First of all, it is advised to take a high speed train from Changchun Railway Station / West Railway Station to Shenyang Railway Station.
→ Then, take
metro line 1 to Huaiyuanmen Station, Exit C.
→ After that, walk east for around 750 meters (820 yards) to arrive at the scenic area.
Best Ways to Travel from Shenyang to Changchun
1. Best Way: Shenyang - Changchun High Speed Train: 1 to 2 Hours, CNY 91.5 - 151.5 for Second Class Seat
The direct high speed trains to Changchun Railway Station / Changchun West Railway Station are available at Shenyang Railway Station / North Railway Station /
South Railway Station. The earliest train departs at 07:06, and the last one sets off at 20:58.

Ticket Prices: CNY 91.5 - 151.5 for Second Class Seat; CNY 146.5 - 242.5 for First Class Seat; CNY 260.5 - 288.5 for VIP Class Seat
2. Second Choice: Shenyang - Changchun Normal Speed Train: 2.5 to 9 Hours, CNY 43.5 - 81 for Hard Seat
Generally speaking, there are 40 to 50 normal speed trains running from Shenyang Railway Station / North Railway Station to Changchun Railway Station each day. Most trains are scheduled from 08:02 to 21:56 with the frequency of 10 - 30 minutes. There are also several trains scheduled from 00:15 to 02:52.

Ticket Prices: CNY 43.5 - 81 for Hard Seat; CNY 89.5 - 144 for Hard Sleeper; CNY 135.5 - 222 for Soft Sleeper
3. Shenyang - Changchun Long-distance Bus: 4 Hours, CNY 63 - 93 per person

From Shenyang Express Coach Station: 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 09:30, 10:20, 11:00, 11:10, 12:00, 13:00, 13:45, 14:30, 15:00, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00
Ticket Price: CNY 66/93 per person

From South Coach Station: 10:30, 13:00
Ticket Price: CNY 93 per person

From General Coach Station: 11:30, 14:00
Ticket Price: CNY 93 per person
- Last updated on Aug. 13, 2024 by Nancy He -