Changchun to
Harbin land distance is about 270 kilometers (170 miles). Nowadays, there are 3 ways to travel between these two cities. The best and the most recommended way is to take high speed trains, taking about 1 to 1.5 hours and CNY 73.5-113.5 for the Second Class Seat. The normal speed trains need 2 to 4.5 hours and cost CNY 32.5 - 40.5 for Hard Seat. Besides, the direct long-distance buses between Changchun and Harbin run with the travel time of 3.5 hours. Until now, there is no direct flight serving between these two cities.
Best Ways to Travel from Changchun to Harbin
Changchun Railway Station /
Changchun West Railway Station, there are nearly 45 high speed trains every day that can take you to
Harbin Railway Station /
Harbin West Railway Station. It is an economical and fast travel way. Generally speaking, the duration is 1 to 1.5 hours. It is suggested to book the tickets as early as possible when you travel during Chinese holidays.

Ticket Prices: CNY 73.5 - 113.5 for Second Class Seat; CNY 118.5 - 181.5 for First Class Seat; CNY 209.5 - 216 for VIP Class Seat; CNY 347.5 - 358 for Business Seat
More than 30 normal speed trains can send passengers from Changchun Railway Station to Harbin Railway Station /
Harbin East Railway Station / Harbin West Railway Station. With the travel time of 2-4.5 hours, this is a recommended transportation for travelers who don’t have tight schedule and want to decrease travel expense.

Ticket Prices: CNY 32.5 - 40.5 for Hard Seat, CNY 86.5 - 131.5 for Hard Sleeper; CNY 170.5 - 174.5 for Soft Sleeper
3. Changchun - Harbin Long-distance Bus: 3.5 Hours, CNY 76 per person
About 40 Changchun to Harbin long-distance buses are available from Changchun Central Coach Station and Kaixuan Road Coach Station.
From Central Coach Station: 06:30, 07:00, 08:00, 08:25, 08:30, 08:40, 09:00, 09:30, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 12:45, 13:00, 13:15, 13:30, 13:45, 13:50, 14:00, 14:15, 14:30, 14:45, 15:00, 15:15, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 19:00

Ticket Price: CNY 76/person
From Kaixuan Road Coach Station: 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00

Ticket Price: CNY 76/person
→ It is suggested to choose a high speed train from Changchun Railway Station or West Railway Station to Harbin Railway Station firstly.
→ Next, for your convenience, you can take a taxi to the Central Street directly because of the short distance. The cab fare is CNY 10-15 in the day time.
Best Ways to Travel from Harbin to Changchun
1. Prior Choice: Harbin - Changchun High Speed Train: 1-1.5 Hours, CNY 73.5 - 113.5 for the Second Class Seat
Currently, both Harbin Railway Station and Harbin West Railway Station operate high speed trains to Changchun Railway Station and Changchun West Railway Station. The trains depart very frequently, from 06:42 to 21:20 daily, which provide enough choices for passengers. In order to make the trip smooth, you are advised to purchase the train tickets in advance.

Ticket Prices: CNY 73.5 - 113.5 for Second Class Seat; CNY 118.5 - 181.5 for First Class Seat; CNY 209.5 - 216 for VIP Class Seat; CNY 347.5 - 358 for Business Seat
2. Alternative Choice: Harbin - Changchun Normal Speed Train: 2-4.5 Hours, CNY 32.5 - 40.5 for Hard Seat
There are more than 30 normal speed trains every day, running from Harbin Railway Station, West Railway Station or East Railway Station to Changchun Railway Station. It takes about 2-4.5 hours on the way with the fare of CNY 32.5-40.5 for Second Class Seat.

Ticket Prices: CNY 32.5 - 40.5 for Hard Seat, CNY 86.5 - 131.5 for Hard Sleeper; CNY 170.5 - 174.5 for Soft Sleeper
3. Harbin - Changchun Long-distance Bus: 3.5 Hours, CNY 44-75 per person
The direct long-distance buses to Changchun can be found at Harbin Nangang Coach Station. Generally speaking, it takes 3.5 hours on the way.

Schedule: 06:00, 07:20, 07:30, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 13:40, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30

Ticket Price: CNY 44 -75 per person
- Last updated on Aug. 13, 2024 by Nancy He -