Tianjin - Shenyang Train
Nearly 72 high speed trains run from Tianjin to Shenyang and 57 vice versa, taking 3.5 – 5.5 hours. Distance is 665 – 687 kilometers (413 – 427 miles) and the highest ticket fare for a second class seat is CNY 321.5 per person.
Over 53 pairs of normal speed trains including overnight sleeper trains run for a distance of 666 kilometers (414 miles), taking 6 – 11.5 hours. A hard sleeper costs CNY 196 per person at most.
Distance: 665 - 687 kilometers (413 - 427 miles)
Top Speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Duration: 3.5 - 5.5 hours
Operated at: Tianjin/ Tianjin West/ Tianjin South Railway Station, Shenyang/ Shenyang South/ Shenyang North Railway Station
(Last Update on Jan 20, 2025)
Around 72 departures in total: departure time from 07:13 to 17:47 ; duration from 3H30M to 5H16M.
See more Tianjin Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 20, 2025)
Around 57 departures in total: departure time from 06:32 to 17:30; duration from 3H40M to 5H1M.
See more Shenyang Schedule
Note: The timetable above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
(Last Update on Jan 20, 2025)
Note: The price differences are caused by different operation stations.
Running routes: Junliangcheng North, Binhai, Binhai North, Tangshan, Luanhe, Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao, Shanhaiguan, Suizhong North, Panjin North, Tai'an in Liaoning, Liaozhong
(Last Update on Jan 20, 2025)
Over 53 departures in total: departure time from 01:12 to 23:54; duration from 5H50M to 11H32M.
(Last Update on Jan 20, 2025)
Over 55 departures in total: departure time from 00:16 to 23:31; duration from 6H14M to 11H39M.
Note: The timetable above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
(Last Update on Jan 20, 2025)
At one side, almost all of them are operated at Tianjin Railway Station. At the other side, over 30 pairs of them are operated at Shenyang North Railway Station and around 20 at Shenyang Railway Station. Among all of them, passengers are advised to choose overnight sleeper trains such as K346, K958, and K554 because they can save one-night hotel expenses and day time.
Running Routes: Tanggu, Lutai, Tangshan, Qian'an, Luanxian, Changli, Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao, Shanhaiguan, Suizhong, Xingcheng, Huludao, Huludao North, Jinzhou, Jinzhou South, Tai'an in Liaoning, Goubangzi, Dahushan, Xinmin, Panjin North
Over 53 pairs of normal speed trains including overnight sleeper trains run for a distance of 666 kilometers (414 miles), taking 6 – 11.5 hours. A hard sleeper costs CNY 196 per person at most.
Tianjin - Shenyang High Speed Trains

Tianjin to Shenyang High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G373 | 07:13 - 11:50 | 4h37m |
G1205 | 10:36 - 14:33 | 3h57m |
G1245 | 12:33 - 16:42 | 4h9m |
G1275 | 14:08 - 18:09 | 4h1m |
G2643 | 16:45 - 21:06 | 4h21m |
See more Tianjin Schedule
Shenyang to Tianjin Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1272 | 07:35 - 11:50 | 4h15m |
G1292 | 10:05 - 14:11 | 4h6m |
G1230 | 12:10 - 16:23 | 4h13m |
G1288 | 14:45 - 18:37 | 3h52m |
G374 | 17:30 - 21:34 | 4h4m |
See more Shenyang Schedule
Note: The timetable above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Tianjin - Shenyang High Speed Trains
Business Class Seat | VIP Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 653 - 1,007 USD 90 - 138 | CNY 404 - 573 USD 55 - 79 | CNY 348 - 527 USD 48 - 72 | CNY 213 - 321.5 USD 29 - 44 |

Normal Trains of Tianjin - Shenyang
Tianjin to Shenyang Train Schedule:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z172 | 07:08 - 14:21 | 7h13m |
K4075 | 10:12 - 19:04 | 8h52m |
Z397 | 11:45 - 19:32 | 7h47m |
Z307 | 18:08 - 01:30+ | 7h22m |
T227 | 21:31 - 07:23+ | 9h52m |
Shenyang to Tianjin Train Timetable:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z308 | 04:54 - 12:04 | 7h10m |
K1394 | 08:51 - 19:39 | 10h48m |
Z328 | 12:50 - 19:46 | 6h56m |
T244 | 17:36 - 02:32+ | 8h56m |
Z384 | 19:36 - 02:48+ | 7h12m |
Note: The timetable above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 253 - 297 USD 35 - 41 | CNY 164 - 196 USD 23 - 27 | CNY 73 - 105 USD 10 - 14 |
At one side, almost all of them are operated at Tianjin Railway Station. At the other side, over 30 pairs of them are operated at Shenyang North Railway Station and around 20 at Shenyang Railway Station. Among all of them, passengers are advised to choose overnight sleeper trains such as K346, K958, and K554 because they can save one-night hotel expenses and day time.

- Last updated on Jan. 20, 2025 by Grace Yang -