For tourists who are planning to have a railway journey between Tianjin and Dalian, there are over 4 pairs of high speed trains and more than 2 pairs of normal trains available. The running distance of a single trip by high speed train in total is approximately 850 km (528 mi). The trip takes about 4.5 - 5 hours. The durations vary according to the running routes and the numbers of stops on the way. The ticket price is CNY 330.5 - 365.5 for a second class seat, and CNY 537 - 595 for a first class seat.
Tianjin - Dalian High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Open date: September 12th, 2013

Duration: about 4.5 - 5 hours

Distance: about 850 km (528 mi)

Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)

Operated at:
Tianjin South/
Tianjin West Railway Station,
Dalian North Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Yingkou, Tangshan,
Shanhaiguan, Huludao
Tianjin to Dalian High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G390 | 09:41 - 14:38 | 4h57m |
G391 | 09:55 - 14:38 | 4h43m |
G2627 | 13:20 - 18:32 | 5h12m |
G1253 | 17:05 - 21:52 | 4h47m |
G1295 | 17:26 - 22:20 | 4h54m |
See more
Tianjin Schedule Dalian to Tianjin Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2625 | 08:09 - 12:36 | 4h27m |
G1251 | 08:56 - 13:23 | 4h27m |
G1293 | 10:16 - 14:42 | 4h26m |
G389 | 15:07 - 19:34 | 4h27m |
See more
Dalian Schedule Note: The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on page top.
Tianjin - Dalian High Speed Train Ticket Fare
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 1,031 - 1,143 USD 142 - 157 | CNY 537 - 595 USD 74 - 82 | CNY 330.5 - 365.5 USD 45 - 50 |
Normal Speed Train of Tianjin - Dalian
Basic Facts:

Operated at:
Tianjin Railway Station,
Dalian Railway Station
Distance: 913/924/1,086 km (567/574/675 mi)

Duration: 10.5 - 13.5 hours

Top speed: 120/140/160 km/h (75/87/99 mph)

Major stations along the way: Huludao, Shanhaiguan, Jinzhou,
Beidaihe Tianjin to Dalian Train Schedule:
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
T133 | 05:11 - 15:29 | 10h18m |
T367 | 17:11 - 05:40+ | 12h29m |
Dalian to Tianjin Train Timetable:
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
T131 | 11:32 - 22:32 | 11h00m |
K4015 | 13:37 - 03:13+ | 13h36m |
T369 | 15:18 - 02:54+ | 11h36m |
1. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
2. "+" indicates the second day.
Tianjin - Dalian Train Ticket Fare
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat | CNY 337 USD 46 | CNY 221 USD 30 | CNY 119 USD 16 |

Major Rail Lines from Tianjin to:

Major Rail Lines from Dalian to:
- Last updated on Jan. 17, 2025 by Grace Yang -