Suzhou - Tianjin Train
There are 12 high speed trains available from Suzhou to Tianjin and 13 rides for return including one overnight D train. The 1,115 - 1,137 kilometers (693 - 706 miles) distance between the two cities can now be finished in about 5 - 10 hours. A second class seat price on bullet trains ranges from CNY 266 - 546, depending on which type and station are used. Besides, there are normal trains between Suzhou Railway Station and Tianjin/ Tianjin West Railway Station operating this route, most of which are overnight ones, with durations of about 10.5 - 19.5 hours.
Open Date: June 30, 2011
Duration: 5 - 10 hours
Running Distance: 1,115 - 1,137 kilometers (693 - 706 miles)
Top Speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Operated at: Suzhou North/ Zhangjiagang Railway Station, Tianjin West/ Tianjin South Railway Station
Stations along the way: Wuxi East, Changzhou North, Danyang North, Zhenjiang South, Nanjing South, Chuzhou, Bengbu South, Suzhou East in Anhui, Xuzhou East, Tengzhou East, Qufu East, Zaozhuang, Tai'an in Shandong, Jinan West, Dezhou East, Cangzhou West
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
Around 12 departures in total: departure time from 08:27 to 17:41; duration from 4H46M to 5H52M.
See more Suzhou Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
Around 12 G departures in total: departure time from 08:31 to 18:37; duration from 3H55M to 5H57M.
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
See more Tianjin Schedule
1. The timetable and ticket price listed above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. Trains to and from Tianjin Railway Station also have a stopover in the West Railway Station.
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
1. The timetable and ticket price listed above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. Most normal trains are overnight ones, which can help to save one-night hotel fee.
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
Stations along the way: Wuxi, Danyang, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Nanjing, Chuzhou North, Mingguang, Bengbu, Guzhen, Suzhou in Anhui, Xuzhou, Zaozhuang West, Tengzhou, Zoucheng, Yanzhou, Ciyao, Taishan, Jinan, Yucheng, Pingyuan, Dezhou, Botou, Cangzhou, Jinghai, Qingxian
Major Rail Lines from Tianjin to:
Suzhou - Tianjin High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Suzhou to Tianjin High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1232 | 08:27 - 13:45 | 5h18m |
G1258 | 10:36 - 15:48 | 5h12m |
G1228 | 12:00 - 17:06 | 5h6m |
G264 | 15:32 - 20:24 | 4h52m |
G156 | 17:41 - 22:33 | 4h52m |
See more Suzhou Schedule
Tianjin to Suzhou Bullet Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G887 | 08:31 - 13:33 | 5h2m |
G263 | 09:23 - 14:27 | 5h4m |
G1226 | 12:26 - 18:23 | 5h57m |
G1203 | 15:40 - 21:29 | 5h49m |
G25 | 18:37 - 22:32 | 3h55m |
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D9 | 20:49 - 06:50+ | 10h1m |
1. The timetable and ticket price listed above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. Trains to and from Tianjin Railway Station also have a stopover in the West Railway Station.
Ticket Fare of Suzhou - Tianjin High Speed G Trains
Business Class Seat | VIP Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 1,621 - 1,986 USD 224 - 274 | CNY 976 - 1,000.5 USD 135 - 138 | CNY 804 - 933 USD 111 - 129 | CNY 478 - 546 USD 66 - 75 |
Ticket Fare of Tianjin - Suzhou High Speed D Trains
(Last Update on Dec 19, 2024)
1st Class Sleeper | 2nd Class Sleeper | Second Class Seat |
CNY 531 USD 73 | CNY 466 USD 64 | CNY 266 USD 37 |
Normal Trains of Suzhou - Tianjin
Suzhou to Tianjin Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K4294 | 01:30 - 21:12 | 19h42m |
1462 | 13:25 - 08:48+ | 19h23m |
Z176 | 16:19 - 04:19+ | 12h00m |
Z516 | 16:25 - 03:52+ | 11h27m |
T110 | 17:25 - 06:29+ | 13h4m |
K666 | 19:36 - 11:58+ | 16h22m |
Z172 | 20:26 - 07:06+ | 10h40m |
Z282 | 20:47 - 08:39+ | 11h52m |
K188 | 21:07 - 12:19+ | 15h12m |
K336 | 22:54 - 14:36+ | 15h42m |
Tianjin to Suzhou Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z171 | 01:17 - 12:07 | 10h50m |
Z515 | 01:25 - 12:17 | 10h52m |
K187 | 01:39 - 16:32 | 14h53m |
K4296 | 04:13 - 22:16 | 18h3m |
K335 | 11:20 - 03:25+ | 16h5m |
Z175 | 11:52 - 02:32+ | 14h40m |
K47 | 12:22 - 04:14+ | 15h52m |
1461 | 13:46 - 05:37+ | 15h51m |
Z281 | 20:41 - 07:03+ | 10h22m |
T109 | 21:32 - 10:04+ | 12h32m |
K665 | 23:26 - 14:41+ | 15h15m |
1. The timetable and ticket price listed above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. Most normal trains are overnight ones, which can help to save one-night hotel fee.
Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 427.5 USD 59 | CNY 279.5 USD 39 | CNY 152.5 USD 21 |

- Last updated on Dec. 19, 2024 by Grace Yang -