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Shijiazhuang - Guilin Train

At present, there are 4 or so pairs of high speed trains running 1,829 km (1,136 mi) every day from Shijiazhuang to Guilin and vice versa with the duration of about 7 - 10 hours in total. A single ride on a second class seat costs CNY 562 - 840. Besides that, there are around 4 pairs of normal speed trains available on this line with the journey time of about 17 - 24.5 hours.

Shijiazhuang - Guilin High Speed Train

Basic Facts:

 Open date: September 25th, 2014
 Operated at: Shijiazhuang Railway Station, GuilinGuilin North Railway Station
 Duration: about 7 - 10 hours
 Distances: 1,829 km (1,136 mi)
 Top speed: 200/ 300 km/h (124/ 186 mph)
 Major station along the way: Xinyu North, Pingxiang North, Liling East, Changsha South, Zhuzhou West, Hengyang East, Yongzhou

Shijiazhuang to Guilin High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G42307:44 - 17:109h26m
G9310:06 - 16:596h53m
G42111:41 - 19:037h22m
D91922:03 - 08:00+9h57m
See more Shijiazhuang Schedule

Guilin to Shijiazhuang Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G42411:36 - 21:019h25m
G42212:47 - 20:157h28m
G9414:38 - 21:397h1m
D92020:00 - 05:38+9h38m
See more Guilin Schedule 

Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Shijiazhuang - Guilin High Speed Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 2,448.5 - 2,626
USD 336 - 361
CNY 1,254 - 1,344
USD 172 - 185
CNY 562 - 840
USD 77 - 115


Normal Speed Train of Shijiazhuang - Guilin

Basic Facts:

 Operated at: Shijiazhuang Railway Station, Guilin North Railway Station
 Duration: about 17 - 24.5 hours
 Distance: 1,827 km (1,135 mi)
 Top speed: 120/ 160 km/h (75/ 99 mph)
 Major stations along the way: Anyang, Tangyin, Hebi, Xinxiang, Zhengzhou, Zhumadian, Wuchang, Yuyang, Changsha, Hengyang, Quanzhou South in Guangxi, Xing’an North

Shijiazhuang to Guilin Train Schedule:

(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
Z28500:11 - 16:3616h25m
Z518:36 - 11:15+16h39m
K15720:49 - 21:06+24h17m
Z33522:50 - 15:56+17h6m


Guilin to Shijiazhuang Train Timetable:

(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K15804:28 - 02:39+22h11m
Z33614:10 - 08:01+17h51m
Z614:25 - 07:17+16h52m
Z28621:10 - 14:28+17h18m
1. "+" indicates that the train arrive on the next day.
2. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.

Shijiazhuang - Guilin Normal Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Soft SleeperHard SleeperHard Seat
CNY 582
USD 80
CNY 377
USD 52
CNY 206
USD 28

Shijiazhuang - Guilin Trains vs. Flights

High Speed Trains Flights
Duration About 7 - 10 hours About 3 hours
Ticket Fare CNY 562 - 840 for second class seat CNY 500 - 1,300 for economy class seat
Up to now, 1 pair of flights are flying between Shijiazhuang and Guilin on a daily basis, extra flights may be added when there is a festival or holiday. Passengers who want to save the transportation time and have no worries about money can take a flight to travel between the 2 cities. On the other hand, passengers with enough time and want to save money can choose high speed trains. However, when there is a discount, the flight can be a better option than a rail ride considering both travel time and cost.

 Major Rail Lines from Shijiazhuang to:
- Last updated on Jan. 17, 2025 by Grace Yang -