Lijiang - Shangri-La Train

Lijiang and Shangri-La are connected by 11 pairs of high speed trains. The running distance is 139 kilometers (86.4mi) with a travel time of 1 - 2 hours. The price of second class seat is CNY 49 - 63.


Lijiang - Shangri-La Train

Basic Facts

 Open Date: November 26, 2023
 Duration: about 1 - 2 hours
 Distance: 139km (86.4 miles)
 Speed: 140km/h (87 mile/h)
 Operated at: Lijiang Railway Station, Shangri-La Railway Station
 Station along the way: Xiaozhongdian Railway Station

Lijiang - Shangri-La Train Schedule

(Last Update on Jan 13, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
C98907:35 - 09:071h32m
C44108:05 - 09:381h33m
C98509:40 - 11:301h50m
C63912:05 - 13:181h13m
C11913:23 - 14:441h21m
C9513:49 - 14:591h10m
C59714:51 - 16:221h31m
C12317:02 - 18:231h21m
D23917:52 - 19:321h40m
C98719:40 - 21:321h52m
C64321:42 - 22:551h13m


Shangri-La - Lijiang Train Timetable 

(Last Update on Jan 13, 2025)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
C64407:20 - 08:301h10m
C98607:45 - 09:191h34m
D24009:45 - 10:581h13m
C64010:05 - 11:261h21m
C59012:00 - 13:441h44m
C59215:05 - 16:261h21m
C59616:30 - 18:131h43m
C9617:23 - 18:331h10m
C98817:40 - 19:201h40m
C12418:50 - 20:031h13m
C99019:55 - 21:151h20m


Lijiang - Shangri-La Train Ticket Price

(Last Update on Jan 13, 2025)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 170 - 219
USD 23 - 30
CNY 78 - 100
USD 11 - 14
CNY 49 - 63
USD 7 - 9


Other Transportation Option: Lijiang - Shangri-La Coach

Lijiang - Shangri-La coaches depart from Lijiang Bus Station to Shangri-La Bus Station daily from 07:00 - 18:00, taking about 2.5 hours. The ticket fare is CNY 80. From Shangri-la Bus Station, tourists can take Shangri-la bus line 3 at Minzu Zhongxue nearby to Songzanlin Monastery.

From the north and south gate of Lijiang Old Town, there are also coaches to Dukezong Ancient Town in Shangri-La departing from 09:00 - 11:20 at a cost of CNY 88.

Lijiang - Shangri-La Train VS Coach

Transportation Train Coach
Duration  1 - 2 hours 2.5 - 3 hours
Price  Second class seat: CNY 49 / 63 Around CNY 80
Departures Frequency 11 pairs per day 15 pairs every day
Punctuality Quite punctual Usually be punctual
Pros and cons  Fast and comfortable Slow and less comfortable

Transportation to/from Railway Stations

 Lijiang Railway Station: Bus No. 4, 16, 18, 103, 104, 105, 202, 209
 Shangri-La Bus Station: Shangri-La Bus Line 12 (nearest bus stop: Liangshipo)

How to Travel from Shangri-La Railway Station to Nearby Attractions

To Dukezong Ancient Town & Songzanlin Monastery
Shangri-La Railway Station is 2-3km (1.24 - 1.86 miles) away from Dukezong Ancient Town scenic area. From the train station, tourists can walk southward to reach the ancient town, inside which there are hotels and restaurants. From the east gate of the town, Shangri-La Bus No. 3 will take you to another attraction, Songzanlin Monastery. The bus ride will take you about one hour. and cost CNY 2.
- Last updated on Feb. 25, 2025 by Grace Yang -