A total of 10 or so pairs of trains run between Chengdu and Shijiazhuang: over 7 pairs of high speed trains with duration of around 6.5 - 18.5 hours and 3 pairs of normal speed trains with duration of about 24 - 28 hours. It costs CNY 672 - 914 for a second class seat on high speed G trains. The highest ticket fare for soft sleeper on normal trains is CNY 672 and CNY 437 for hard sleeper.
Chengdu - Shijiazhuang High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Duration: around 6.5 - 10.5 hours for G types; 18 - 18.5 hours for D types

Running Distance: 1,593 kilometers (990 miles)

Top Speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)

Operated at:
Chengdu East Railway Station,
Shijiazhuang Railway Station Chengdu to Shijiazhuang High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G88 | 06:55 - 13:23 | 6h28m |
G1282 | 07:36 - 15:42 | 8h6m |
G331 | 08:29 - 17:51 | 9h22m |
G2088 | 09:44 - 18:38 | 8h54m |
G308 | 10:56 - 18:57 | 8h1m |
G90 | 15:00 - 21:29 | 6h29m |
(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D50 | 13:00 - 07:23+ | 18h23m |
See more
Chengdu Schedule Shijiazhuang to Chengdu Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G87 | 08:03 - 14:32 | 6h29m |
G1591 | 09:40 - 17:38 | 7h58m |
G307 | 10:30 - 18:55 | 8h25m |
G333 | 11:36 - 21:58 | 10h22m |
G2090 | 12:59 - 21:55 | 8h56m |
G1281 | 13:30 - 21:43 | 8h13m |
G2087 | 13:35 - 21:55 | 8h20m |
G89 | 16:02 - 22:30 | 6h28m |
(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D49 | 13:45 - 07:55+ | 18h10m |
See more
Shijiazhuang ScheduleNote: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Chengdu - Shijiazhuang High Speed G Trains
(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 2,081 - 2,981 USD 287 - 412 | CNY 1,076.5 - 1,463 USD 149 - 202 | CNY 672 - 914 USD 93 - 126 |
Ticket Fare of Chengdu - Shijiazhuang High Speed D Trains
(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
1st Class Sleeper | 2nd Class Sleeper | Second Class Seat | CNY 811 USD 112 | CNY 567 USD 78 | CNY 301 USD 42 |
Running Route of Chengdu - Shijiazhuang

Chengdu East -
Xi'an North: A high speed railway that was opened on December 6, 2017 and passing by Qingbaijiang East, Guanghan North, Deyang, Luojiang East, Mianyang, Qinglian, Jiangyou, Jiangyou North, Qingchuan, Jianmenguan, Guanyuan, Ningqiang South, Xinji, Hanzhong, Chenggu North, Yangxian West, Xinchangjie, Huyi East and Epanggong

Xi'an North - Zhengzhou East: It was opened on February 6, 2010 and shortens the travel time between the two cities to about 2 hours. The stations along the way are Weinan North, Huashan North, Lingbao West, Sanmenxia South, Mianchi South,
Luoyang Longmen, Gongyi South,
Zhengzhou West and

Zhengzhou East - Shijiazhuang: It was put into use on December 26, 2012 with six major stations: Xinxiang East, Hebi East, Anyang East, Handan East, Gaoyi West and Xingtai East.
Normal Speed Trains of Chengdu - Shijiazhuang
Basic Facts:

Duration: around 24 - 28 hours

Top Speed: 120 km/h (75 mph)

Operated at: Chengdu West Railway Station, Shijiazhuang Railway Station

Major stations along the way:
Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Xingtai
Chengdu to Shijiazhuang Train Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K386 | 12:58 - 13:50+ | 24h52m |
K818 | 18:00 - 17:50+ | 23h50m |
K118 | 22:12 - 02:08++ | 27h56m |
Shijiazhuang to Chengdu Train Timetable
(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K385 | 07:31 - 08:08+ | 24h37m |
K817 | 11:24 - 11:23+ | 23h59m |
K117 | 15:35 - 16:29+ | 24h54m |
1. “+” indicates the second day;“++” indicates the third day.
2. The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Chengdu - Shijiazhuang Train Ticket Fare
(Last Update on Jan 2, 2025)
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat | CNY 643 - 672 USD 89 - 93 | CNY 421 - 437 USD 58 - 60 | CNY 227 - 236 USD 31 - 33 |

Major Rail Lines from Chengdu to:

Major Rail Lines from Shijiazhuang to:
- Last updated on Jan. 03, 2025 by Grace Yang -