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Changsha to Lhasa Trains

Currently, only 1 Changsha to Lhasa train is in service.

This train departs from Changsha Railway Station, taking approximately 46 hours to Lhasa Railway Station.

The distance between these two stations are 4,272 kilometers (2,654 miles).

The soft sleeper costs CNY 1,293.5, the hard sleeper costs CNY 832.5 and the hard seat costs CNY 397.5.

Changsha to Lhasa Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train Z264:
1Guangzhou -09:15
2Chenzhou 13:2113:24
3Changsha 16:5817:04
4Wuhan [Wuchang] 20:2320:44
5Zhengzhou 01:3401:40
6Luoyang 03:0603:10
7Xi'an 07:4307:53
8Baoji 09:2009:26
9Lanzhou 15:0515:32
10Xining 17:5918:19
11Delingha 22:1122:15
12Golmud 00:3601:01
13Amdo 09:3409:38
14Nakchu 10:5611:02
15Lhasa 14:54-

Changsha to Lhasa Flight

Now, 1 non-stop flight from Changsha Huanghua International Airport (T1) to Lhasa Kongga International Airport is in service. This flight takes 3h20m to the destination. According to the different date of departure, the range of ticket price of the economy class is CNY 1200-2000.

Where to go in Lhasa

The Potala Palace, located on the northwestern Mount Maburi in the city of Lhasa, the capital of China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, is the highest building at the elevation in the world. The Potala Palace is not only a magnificent building which integrates palaces, castles and temples together, but also the largest and the most complete castles architecture group in ancient times in Tibet. The Potala Palace is known as the “Pearl on the Roof of the World” and is famous for its metal smelting, wall paintings, color paintings and wood carving. The decorative design and decorative style in it reflect the skill and artistic standards of skilled craftsmen. The Potala Palace not only makes creative breakthroughs in the overall architectural art, but also represent the remarkable achievements in it.
 With a more than 1300 years history, Jokhang Temple is the most glorious building in existence in Tubo period. Located in the center of the old Lhasa city, the transportation is very convenient. You can get the peace in your heart here and enjoy the unique wall paintings.
 Located in the central part of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Namtso is the second largest lake in Tibet and the third largest saltwater lake in China. On the south side of Namtso, is the Mount Nyenchenthanglha, which is covered with snow all year around. The main peak of the Mount Nyenchenthanglha is in the southeast of Namtso. On the North side of it, there is a plateau hilly. Surrounded by vast grassland, the lake looks like a mirror. The beautiful natural scenery will satisfy you very much.
 Drepung Monastery, collectively known as the three major temples of Lhasa together with Gandain and Sera Monastery. The white buildings are covered with hills and overlooked like a huge rice heap. At the same time, as the largest temple in Lhasa and even in Tibet, the number of precious collections in Drepung Monastery is quite amazing.

Lhasa to Changsha Trains

1 Lhasa to Changsha train is in service now. From Lhasa Railway Station to Changsha Railway Station, this train totally runs 4,272 kilometers (2,654 miles). The running time of this train is 47h39m.

 See detailed Changsha Train Schedule & Lhasa Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Changsha to:

Major Rail Lines from Lhasa to:
- Last updated on Mar. 25, 2022 -