Ulaanbaatar Weather in October
Season – Autumn
October is the last month of Autumn and the starting of the winter season, so Ulaanbaatar weather in October is cold, which is somehow challenging to visit outdoor attractions. Ulaanbaatar temperature in October is significantly decreasing. The average high temperature is 7.6°C (45.7°F), and the average low temperature is -4.8°C (23.4°F). The average day duration is 10.8hrs with sunshine up to 7.3hrs. In October, Ulaanbaatar has 2 days of rainfall and 6 days of snowfall on average.
October is the last month of Autumn and the starting of the winter season, so Ulaanbaatar weather in October is cold, which is somehow challenging to visit outdoor attractions. Ulaanbaatar temperature in October is significantly decreasing. The average high temperature is 7.6°C (45.7°F), and the average low temperature is -4.8°C (23.4°F). The average day duration is 10.8hrs with sunshine up to 7.3hrs. In October, Ulaanbaatar has 2 days of rainfall and 6 days of snowfall on average.
What clothes to wear in Ulaanbaatar in October
October Travel Guide – Where to Go

Travel to Ulaanbaatar in October, you’d better choose some indoor places like museum, palace, and temples. By considering the Ulaanbaatar temperature in October, it’s not so recommended to explore outdoor destinations like parks and grasslands.
This is a monastery with combined style of Chinese, Tibetan, and Mongolian. Here you can see 26.5m high statue of Migjid Janraisag Buddha in monastery's old temple which is considered as one of the biggest indoor statues in the world. This monastery is located in the downtown of Ulaanbaatar.
This is an extraordinary religious architectural masterpiece. It consists of a unique two-story European style building. Inside, you can see the items used by the royal members, including the jewelry and clothing.
In addition, you can pay a visit to a local herdman’s yurt to know more about their life and taste their unique Mongolian foods.
- Last updated on May. 17, 2021 -