Ulaanbaatar Weather in May
Season – spring
May is the last spring month and Ulaanbaatar weather in May is warm and sunny in general. The average Ulaanbaatar temperature in May is between 3.3°C (37.9°F) and 17.8°C (64°F) and the average humidity is 46%. There are 7 rainfall days and 3 snowfall days in May averagely. The average day time is 15.2hrs, offering more sunshine. As a whole, considering the warmer and warmer Ulaanbaatar climate in May, travel to Ulaanbaatar in May is not a bad choice.
May is the last spring month and Ulaanbaatar weather in May is warm and sunny in general. The average Ulaanbaatar temperature in May is between 3.3°C (37.9°F) and 17.8°C (64°F) and the average humidity is 46%. There are 7 rainfall days and 3 snowfall days in May averagely. The average day time is 15.2hrs, offering more sunshine. As a whole, considering the warmer and warmer Ulaanbaatar climate in May, travel to Ulaanbaatar in May is not a bad choice.
What clothes to wear in Ulaanbaatar in May
May Travel Guide – Where to Go & Tips

Ulaanbaatar weather in May allows tourists to visit most attractions like parks and museums.
• Dinosaur Museums in Ulaanbaatar
Hustai or Khustain National Park is a UNESCO recognized biosphere reserve. This park is famous for tahki which is Przewalski wild horse. You can witness this unique species of wild horse which is only left here on the planet. This park is also a perfect outdoor destination to see wildlife and to enjoy different outdoor activities.
• State Opera and Ballet Theatre
Visiting Tip
- Last updated on Mar. 23, 2021 -