Ulaanbaatar Weather in December
Season – Winter
Falling in winter, Ulaanbaatar weather in December is extremely cold. Ulaanbaatar temperature in December is frigid low, with the average high temperature of -13.5°C (7.7°F) and the average low temperature of -22.9°C (-9.2°F). December is also the most humid month, with the average relative humidity up to 78%. In December, the day time is 8.5 hours long on average with only 5 hours of sunshine. The recorded snowy days are almost 10 days. In short, Ulaanbaatar weather in December is not so perfect for exploring outdoor destinations.
Falling in winter, Ulaanbaatar weather in December is extremely cold. Ulaanbaatar temperature in December is frigid low, with the average high temperature of -13.5°C (7.7°F) and the average low temperature of -22.9°C (-9.2°F). December is also the most humid month, with the average relative humidity up to 78%. In December, the day time is 8.5 hours long on average with only 5 hours of sunshine. The recorded snowy days are almost 10 days. In short, Ulaanbaatar weather in December is not so perfect for exploring outdoor destinations.
What clothes to wear in Ulaanbaatar in December
December Travel Guide – Where to Go

By visiting this National Museum of Mongolia, you can explore the rich heritages of this country. By vising all exhibitions, and by examining artefacts, you can get more details about the history of many centuries ago. If you love history, then this place is perfect for visiting and for spending time in Ulaanbaatar.
• Narantuul Market
After snow, you may also go out to pile snowmen and try dog sledding.

- Last updated on Mar. 23, 2021 -