Ulaanbaatar Weather in November
Season – Winter
November is the first month of winter, which is not a preferable month to visit Ulaanbaatar because of the freezing temperature. Ulaanbaatar temperature in November varies between -5°C (23°F) and -15.7°C (3.7°F). November has an average relative humidity of 71%. The day time is averagely 9.3hrs long with 5.9hrs of sunshine. With 8 days of snowfall on average, this month has its own sceneries to offer, the snow scape. Even though the Ulaanbaatar weather in November is not pleasant, the Winter Horse Festival encourages you to step out of your place to have fun.
November is the first month of winter, which is not a preferable month to visit Ulaanbaatar because of the freezing temperature. Ulaanbaatar temperature in November varies between -5°C (23°F) and -15.7°C (3.7°F). November has an average relative humidity of 71%. The day time is averagely 9.3hrs long with 5.9hrs of sunshine. With 8 days of snowfall on average, this month has its own sceneries to offer, the snow scape. Even though the Ulaanbaatar weather in November is not pleasant, the Winter Horse Festival encourages you to step out of your place to have fun.
What clothes to wear in Ulaanbaatar in November
November Travel Guide – Things to Do

• Winter Horse Festival
• Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul
• Zanabazar Museum of Fine Art

- Last updated on Mar. 23, 2021 -