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Shanghai to Foshan Train

Currently, Shanghai South Railway Station has 1 train heading to Foshan Railway Station. The travel time of about 22.5 hours is needed for the Shanghai to Foshan train to complete the travel distance of 1,802 kilometers (1,120 miles). The ticket price for a soft sleeper is CNY 673 and for a hard sleeper is CNY 398.

One can also choose to transfer at Guangzhou South Railway Station, taking 8 to 10 hours in total and costing CNY 802 at least. If you have a tight schedule, you can also choose to take Shanghai to Guangzhou flight and then go to Foshan by high speed train.

Shanghai to Foshan Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train K511:
1Shanghai South -19:25
2Jiashan [Zhejiang] 20:1320:16
3Jiaxing 20:2920:32
4Haining 20:5020:53
5Hangzhou South 21:4221:49
6Zhuji 22:2522:28
7Jinhua 23:3223:41
8Quzhou 01:3101:37
9Shangrao 03:0003:05
10Yingtan 04:1304:19
11Xinyu 06:3806:42
12Yichun [Jiangxi] 07:1607:20
13Pingxiang [Jiangxi] 08:0308:07
14Liling 08:3408:37
15Zhuzhou [hunan] 09:0509:25
16Hengyang 10:4910:55
17Chenzhou 12:3512:40
18Guangzhou 17:3918:02
19Foshan 18:2718:31
20Zhaoqing 19:3819:42
21Maoming 22:5122:57
22Zhanjiang West 00:2200:42
23Leizhou 01:4302:15
24Xuwen 03:2203:46
25Haikou 07:08-
Shanghai South

Other Transportation Options

Transfer at Guangzhou South Railway Station

Shanghai Hongqiao to Guangzhou South Guangzhou South to Foshan West Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat
G85 08:00 - 14:51 D1876 15:38 - 15:57 7h57m CNY 793 + CNY 12 = CNY 805
G1301 10:23 - 19:03 D2970 19:59 - 20:18 9h55m CNY 793+ CNY 9 =  CNY 802
G99 14:10 - 21:32 D7492 22:35 - 22:54 8h44m CNY 793+ CNY 10 =  CNY 803

Shanghai to Guangzhou Flight + Guangzhou to Foshan Train

 Shanghai to Guangzhou Flight
There are over 40 flights from Shanghai to Guangzhou. These flights scheduled from 06:55 to 23:35,   take about 2.5 hours. The air fare is from CNY 500 to CNY 1,100.

 Guangzhou to Foshan Train
Over 60 high speed trains are available from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Foshan West Railway Station, taking about 20 minutes. The ticket price for a first class seat is CNY 16 or CNY 20 and for a second class seat is CNY 10 or CNY 12.

 How to Get to Guangzhou South Railway Station from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport
Passengers can take metro line 3 to the stop Jiahewanggang and then transfer to metro line 2 to get to Guangzhou South Railway Station.

Top Things to Do in Foshan

Watch Kung Fu Performance in Ancestors’ Temple

Ancestors’ Temple is located in the city center, consisting of attractions like ancient architecture complex, Confucius Temple, Huangfeihong Memorial and etc. There are Kung Fu shows and Lion Dance at 10:00 in the morning and 03:00 in the afternoon. If you have the chance to visit the Ancestors’ Temple, don’t miss the shows!
 In Sanshui Lotus World, you can appreciate various lotus. If you are hungry, you can eat some foods made of lotus seeds and lotus root. Most importantly, you can also watch the show about the love story between Lotus Fairy and Lotus Root Boy.

Taste some local snacks

In Foshan, there are so many delicious foods. You are advised to taste at least one of the following snacks or dishes: Manggong Cake, Double-skin Milk, Jidi Porridge, Goose Palms, Sliced Frogs with Walnuts and Milt, Dishes made with Zhuhou ketchup and Dried Fish of Shiwan.

Foshan to Shanghai Train

1 Foshan to Shanghai train is in service, taking about 25 hours.

See detailed Shanghai Train Schedule & Foshan Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Shanghai to:
Major Rail Lines from Foshan to:
- Last updated on Nov. 07, 2019 -