Nanjing to Lhasa Train
By now, Nanjing Railway Station deals 1 train to Lhasa Railway Station, taking about 44.5 hours.
The total distance of a single trip is as long as 4,072 kilometers (2,530 miles).
Passengers need to spend CNY 809.5 for a hard sleeper, CNY 1,257.5 for a soft sleeper, and CNY 385.5 for a hard seat.
Nanjing to Lhasa Train Ticket Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z164 Details of the Train Z164:
42H11M | 21:19 Nanjing | 15:30+2 Lhasa |
Running Route of Nanjing to Lhasa Train
Xuzhou to Lanzhou Train Line: This line belongs to a section of Xuzhou – Lanzhou Railway, covering 1,536 kilometers (954 miles) and connecting major stations including Zhengzhou and Xi’an.
Lanzhou to Lhasa Train Line: 2,188 kilometers (1,360 miles) covered in this part, it passes by Delingha Railway Station, Golmud Railway Station, Amdo Railway Station, and Nakchu Railway Station.
Nanjing to Lhasa Flight
Where to go in Tibet
Located in the center area of the old city in Lhasa, the Jokhang Temple is a representative Tibetan Buddhist architecture built in AD 647 by Songtsen Gampo to commemorate the Princess Wencheng and creates the special layout structure of Tibetan temples.
Namtso is the second largest lake in Tibet and the highest salt lake in the world. It is also one of the three holy lakes in Tibet. Every April 15th of the Tibetan calendar, the amount of its believers and pilgrims come here, making a grand occasion.
Lhasa to Nanjing Train

- Last updated on Apr. 09, 2020 -