2011 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Rabbit

Which type of Rabbit are people born in 2011 Chinese zodiac year?

2011 is the Chinese zodiac Rabbit year. According to Chinese Five Elements, the Rabbit people born in this year belong to the Metal Rabbit. Chinese people follows lunar calendar. In Gregorian calendar, this Metal Rabbit year starts from February 3, 2011 to January 22, 2012. People born from January 1 to February 2 in 2011 belong to the Metal Tiger year.

Lucky Signs for 2011 Metal Rabbit

 Lucky Numbers: 1, 8 

 Lucky Colors: green, yellow 

2025 Horoscope for Metal Rabbit Born in 2011

“Rabbits” born in 2011 may not be blessed by much luck in 2025. In terms of education, they may not be able to concentrate very easily, which would lead to not-so-good academic performance. They need to work harder and try their best to stay focused and patient. They should also communicate politely and get along well with their classmates and friends to avoid unnecessary conflicts. In terms of health, they need to take notice of the health of the spleen and stomach. They are advised to take a healthy diet and avoid overeating. At the same time, it would be necessary for them to maintain moderate exercise and have enough sleep.  

 See more about Rabbit Horoscope in 2025 


Personality Traits of the 2011 Chinese Zodiac Metal Rabbit

People with Chinese zodiac Rabbit born in 2011 is the symbol of meekness, kindness and liveliness. They are cheerful, enthusiastic and kind-hearted, so it is pleasant to stay with them and they certainly have many friends. They have a good temper, can tolerate others and do not like quarrels.

However, their candor sometimes may hurt others. They are kind of vain, and sometime they may be impatient. They are resigned to the present state and do not want to make changes.

 See more about Personality of the Rabbit


The Metal Rabbit may experience ups and downs in career. Although it is easy for them to find a good job, they often feel that they can achieve nothing on it. And they may also encounter some snobs in their work field. It is suggested that make more friends with colleagues, and try their best to show their abilities to the leader.

 See more about Rabbit's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


It is hard for them to make too much money from their job, and their ambition are also not strong enough. They are easily satisfied with their current situation. But they are smart in investment, they can always find business opportunities keenly. So they can make some profits from investment. In general, they can live an abundant life.

Love and Relationships

The Metal Rabbit may get to know the other half at first sight in business activities. After dating for several years, they can get married smoothly, living a happy marriage life and having lovely children. In general, there are no big problems between them and their lovers.

 See more about Rabbit's Love Compatibility


Their health condition is also good enough. However, with change of the seasons, they should put on or take off clothes properly to avoid colds and fever. People with dyspepsia should pay more attention to diet and chew food carefully, which is beneficial to absorption of nutrition.

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 People Born in Different Years of the Rabbit: 1939, 1951, 1963, 19751987, 1999, 2011

- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -