1987 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Rabbit

Which type of Rabbit are people born in 1987 Chinese zodiac year?

1987 is the year of the Rabbit with the Fire element based on Chinese zodiac and Five Elements. Therefore, people with Chinese zodiac Rabbit born in 1987 are the Fire Rabbit.

Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar. Based on Gregorian calendar, people born from January 29, 1987 to February 16, 1988 are Fire Rabbit and those born from January 1 to January 28 in 1987 are the Fire Tiger.

Lucky Signs for 1987 Fire Rabbit

 Lucky Numbers: 0, 6 

 Lucky Colors: green, blue

2025 Horoscope for Fire Rabbit Born in 1987

“Rabbits” born in 1987 would have nice career performance during 2025: they could flawlessly complete the tasks assigned by their leaders on time; if they work a little harder, they may gain the appreciation of the leaders and get a raise in salary. Businessmen would get considerable profits thanks to their great relationships with their customers. 

In terms of love, they may meet more people of the opposite sex in 2025. Those married need to keep a distance from these people. Those who are single need to seriously consider their relationship with these people to avoid entering into a relationship that may not suit them.

They need to pay attention to the health of the respiratory tract and seek medical care if they feel unwell. In addition, they should be careful when driving.

 See more about Rabbit Horoscope in 2025 


Personality Traits of the 1987 Chinese Zodiac Fire Rabbit

People born in 1987 year of the Rabbit are intelligent and skillful, and they can easily get succeed in every field. They have a good reputation among friends because they are broad-minded, tolerant and careful. Most of them have a unique vision and know how to make good use of their talents.

However, they often leave others a kind of arrogant impression because of their high aspirations and big desires. When they are in a bad mood, they often lose their temper and hurt others with words.

 See more about Personality of the Rabbit


For the Fire Rabbit, the career path is not very smooth. There may be some twists and turns. For them, the competition in the work place is fierce, and the pressure is great. But with the changes of environment and personnel, they may encounter some helpful people. Work hard and they can finally achieve success in their fields.

 See more about Rabbit's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


The wealth fortune is not very stable. If the company's performance is poor, their financial fortune may also decline. Accidental injuries may result in loss of money, and belongings should be carefully kept when going to public places. Investment may bring some fortune for them, but they need to be cautious in investing.

Love and Relationships

Their love and relationship is relatively good. Singles often get to know their life partners through the introduction of their relatives and friends. Although they may be resist to blind date at first, but they will have a good feeling after getting in touch. Married people may seldom take part in housework and parent-child activities, which makes their partners feel sad. They should spend more time with their families to keep a harmonious marriage.

 See more about Rabbit's Love Compatibility


They need to care about their body health. Due to pressure in the workplace, they may suffer insomnia and headache. When they feel heavily pressured at work, they must not drink to relieve, otherwise it will have a long-term malignant impact on their health. It is suggested to adjust the attitude to their work, and exercise or have a walk outside to drive off the negative attitude.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -