1975 Chinese Zodiac - Wood Rabbit

Which type of Rabbit are people born in 1975 Chinese Zodiac year?

According to Chinese zodiac, people born in 1975 have the Rabbit sign. To make it accurately based on Gregorian calendar, February 11, 1975 to January 30, 1976 belong to the Chinese year of the Rabbit. Furtherly based on Chinese Five Elements, this Rabbit year has the Wood element. Therefore, people born during the time period are the Wood Rabbit and those born from January 1 to February 10 in 1975 belong to the previous Wood Tiger year.

Lucky Signs for 1975 Wood Rabbit

 Lucky Numbers: 1, 6

 Lucky Colors: green, blue, gray, black

2025 Horoscope for Wood Rabbit Born in 1975

1975 born “Rabbits” would have quite a great horoscope overall. In their workplace, their ability would be on full display, and they could cooperate efficiently with their team and colleagues. In terms of wealth, they may have a just so-so fortune, and there may be unexpected expenses or investment risks. They are advised to make a long-term financial plan and try to avoid high-risk investments. 

For those with a mate, they would spend many sweet moments with their lover, which make them even closer to each other. The only thing that they should note is keeping communication in daily life. Singles may have great opportunities to get acquainted with someone they are attracted to. 

They would have a good overall health horoscope, but still need to do regular physical check-ups and keep a healthy diet.

 See more about Rabbit Horoscope in 2025 


Personality Traits of the 1975 Chinese Zodiac Wood Rabbit

People with Chinese zodiac Rabbit born in 1975 are intelligent and resourceful, leaving people a lively and cheerful impression. They are usually very gentle, patient and courteous, so it is easy for them to get along well with others. They are also very alert, kind, and responsible.

However, they are not likely to openly express their opinions, so it is difficult for people to understand their real thoughts. Actually they are very complex and kind of selfish. They are more likely to feel lonely. Their mood is not very stable and they can get angry easily.

 See more about Personality of the Rabbit


The overall career fortune is not very good actually. As the competition in the workplace is fierce, and at the same time they themselves are too radical, they may feel greatly pressured. However, as long as they keep their work peace and always be patient, they can make achievements in their career.

 See more about Rabbit's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


The Wood Rabbit can make a lot of money, but they have no idea on how to save money. It is suggested that the people born in 1975 year of the Rabbit make a good financial management plan as far as possible: do not waste money, and avoid causing unnecessary cash flow.

Love and Relationships

The love fortune is not very good for the 1975 Wood Rabbit. For single people, they may find it hard to meet the right person. They should better pursue the opposite sex more actively. For people who have already been in love, trivial life details may directly affect their emotions, causing disputes and quarrels with lovers. They should learn to tolerate and take care of their partners.

 See more about Rabbit's Love Compatibility


Their health fortune is pretty good. If they feel unwell, they should go to the hospital for examination immediately. Do not neglect the discomforts for fear of spending money.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -