Lijiang Weather in February

Lijiang weather is cold and dry in February. The average temperature is about 15°C (59°F) in the day and 2°C (36°F) at night. There is little precipitation in February, with an average total precipitation volume of about 6mm. Lijiang’s high altitude results in a cold winter, so travelers should note to keep warm, especially at night.

The Chinese New Year usually falls in February according to Chinese Lunar Calendar. During the festival, Lijiang will be decorated with red Spring Festival couplets and lanterns. Travelers can participate in the celebrations, taste special foods made for New Year, wander at lantern fairs, and enjoy lion and dragon dances and experience the authentic traditional New Year atmosphere.

See more about Yunnan Weather in February.

Averages for Lijiang Weather in February

Temperature: 8°C / 46°F
High Temperature: 15°C / 59°F
Low Temperature: 2°C / 36°F
Humidity: 45%
Rainfall: 6 mm
Rainy Days: 4 days
Sunrise: 07:45 ~ 08:05
Sunset: 19:00 ~ 19:19
Air Quality in February
Average AQI:30
Lijiang Air Quality in February

What to Wear in Lijiang in February

If it is sunny, travelers can wear wind coats, sweaters, fleece hoodies, and thick trousers, but they need to add a heavy coat if they are to climb snow mountains in the cold climate in Lijiang in February. The temperature sharply drops off at night and it is recommended to wear overcoats, cotton wadded jackets, fur clothing, or down jackets against the cold air. When going out, it is better to wear sneakers or hiking shoes, avoid high-heeled shoes.
Lijiang Clothes in February February Wear in Lijiang

Where to Go in Lijiang in February

The city has a distinctive appearance adorned with a wintry landscape. It is a good choice for travelers to go to Ganhaizi Meadow, a highland pasture and the best place to appreciate the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

Travelers can also choose to climb the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain to see the sunrise. If it is sunny, there is a chance to see the impressive view of the whole mountain covered by golden sunshine, looking like a golden mountain. During the Chinese New Year, travelers can go to the Old Town of Lijiang and participate in the temple fairs.

Other Tips

Because of the Chinese New Year, February is one of the peak travel seasons in China, so hotels and air and train tickets are in high demand. Therefore, travelers had better make accommodation and transportation arrangements in advance.

What is the temperature in Lijiang in February?

High/Low Temperatures of Lijiang in February
Temperatures Graph of Lijiang in February
Air Quality of Lijiang in February
Lijiang AQI Graph in February

Historical Lijiang Weather in February

Feb  Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low 
1 14.3°C / 57.7°F 1.4°C / 34.5°F 08:05 / 19:00 69
2 14.4°C / 57.9°F 1.5°C / 34.7°F 08:04 / 19:01 54
3 14.4°C / 57.9°F 1.6°C / 34.9°F 08:04 / 19:02 46
4 14.5°C / 58.1°F 1.7°C / 35.1°F 08:03 / 19:03 46
5 14.5°C / 58.1°F 1.7°C / 35.1°F 08:03 / 19:04 46
6 14.6°C / 58.3°F 1.8°C / 35.2°F 08:02 / 19:04 67
7 14.6°C / 58.3°F 1.9°C / 35.4°F 08:02 / 19:05 57
8 14.7°C / 58.5°F 2°C / 35.6°F 08:01 / 19:06 49
9 14.7°C / 58.5°F 2.1°C / 35.8°F 08:00 / 19:07 53
10 14.8°C / 58.6°F 2.1°C / 35.8°F 08:00 / 19:07 50
11 14.8°C / 58.6°F 2.2°C / 36°F 07:59 / 19:08 44
12 14.9°C / 58.8°F 2.3°C / 36.1°F 07:58 / 19:09 43
13 15°C / 59°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 07:58 / 19:09 42
14 15°C / 59°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 07:57 / 19:10 34
15 15.1°C / 59.2°F 2.5°C / 36.5°F 07:56 / 19:11 34
16 15.2°C / 59.4°F 2.6°C / 36.7°F 07:55 / 19:11 38
17 15.2°C / 59.4°F 2.7°C / 36.9°F 07:55 / 19:12 44
18 15.3°C / 59.5°F 2.8°C / 37°F 07:54 / 19:13 45
19 15.4°C / 59.7°F 2.8°C / 37°F 07:53 / 19:14 47
20 15.5°C / 59.9°F 2.9°C / 37.2°F 07:52 / 19:14 62
21 15.5 °C / 59.9°F 3°C / 37.4°F 07:51 / 19:15 47
22 15.6°C / 60.1°F 3.1°C / 37.6°F 07:51 / 19:15 48
23 15.7°C / 60.3°F 3.2°C / 37.8°F 07:50 / 19:16 39
24 15.8°C / 60.4°F 3.3°C / 37.9°F 07:49 / 19:17 53
25 15.8°C / 60.4°F 3.4°C / 38.1°F 07:48 / 19:17 79
26 15.9°C / 60.6°F 3.5°C / 38.3°F 07:47 / 19:18 64
27 16°C / 60.8°F 3.6°C / 38.5°F 07:46 / 19:19 46
28 16.1°C / 61°F 3.7°C / 38.7°F 07:45 / 19:19 39
- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2024 by Demi Li -
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