Kunming Weather in February

Compared with January, the Kunming weather in February is warmer with an average temperature of 4°C ~ 17°C (39°F ~ 62°F). The average precipitation is 16mm; therefore, the air is dry. It hardly snows in this month with sufficient sunshine and good air quality. It should be noted that the temperature difference between day and night is big, You should dress properly according to the weather.

In late February, the people of the Jingpo and Naxi nationalities in Kunming Nationalities Village will celebrate the Manau and Sanduo festivals. If you visit Kunming during the festive period, you can taste rice wine and dance with the people of the Jingpo Nationality, or watch traditional sacrificial activities and performances of the Naxi Nationality.

See more about Yunnan Weather in February.

Averages for Kunming Weather in February

Temperature: 10°C / 50°F
High Temperature: 17°C / 63°F
Low Temperature: 4°C / 39°F
Humidity: 63%
Rainfall: 16 mm
Rainy Days: 5 days
Sunrise: 07:34 ~ 07:52
Sunset: 18:53 ~ 19:10
Air Quality in February
Average AQI:48
Kunming Air Quality in February

What to Wear in Kunming in February

Because of the big temperature difference, suits, jackets and light sweaters are suitable for the daytime, but you have to wear a cotton padded jacket plus thick pants, or thick stockings, short skirts with an overcoat to keep you warm outside at night.
Kunming Clothes in February February Wear in Kunming

Where to Go in Kunming in February

Because of the relatively warm climate in February in Kunming, indoor and outdoor activities are all OK. Yuantong Temple is the biggest and oldest Buddhist temple in the city, which is famous for its unique architectural style and beautiful scenery. Kunming Museum is a comprehensive museum, which is one of the famous tourist attractions owing to many precious exhibits such as the Bronze Culture exhibit, dinosaur fossils and the Dali Sutra Pillar.
Kunming MuseumKunming Museum
Ethnic Group PerformancesEthnic Group Performances

Other Tips

It is still very dry in February, hence you need to drink more water and eat more fruit. To protect you from intense ultraviolet radiation, sunscreen, sunhat and sun-protective clothing are necessary. Non-acclimatization is very common, so you’d better take some medicine. You should respect the etiquette of minority groups. For fear of the inconvenience of the peak tourist season, you can book a hotel online in advance.

What is the temperature in Kunming in February?

High/Low Temperatures of Kunming in February
Temperatures Graph of Kunming in February
Air Quality of Kunming in February
Kunming AQI Graph in February

Historical Kunming Weather in February

Feb  Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low 
1 16.6°C / 61.9°F 4.1°C / 39.4°F 07:52 / 18:53 82
2 16.7°C / 62.1°F 4.2°C / 39.6°F 07:52 / 18:54 67
3 16.8°C / 62.2°F 4.2°C / 39.6°F 07:52 / 18:55 68
4 16.9°C / 62.4°F 4.3°C / 39.7°F 07:51 / 18:55 66
5 17°C / 62.6°F 4.3°C / 39.7°F 07:51 / 18:56 66
6 17.1°C / 62.8°F 4.4°C / 39.9°F 07:50 / 18:57 53
7 17.2°C / 63°F 4.4°C / 39.9°F 07:50 / 18:58 50
8 17.3°C / 63.1°F 4.5°C / 40.1°F 07:49 / 18:58 55
9 17.4°C / 63.3°F 4.6°C / 40.3°F 07:48 / 18:59 58
10 17.5°C / 63.5°F 4.6°C / 40.3°F 07:48 / 19:00 56
11 17.5°C / 63.5°F 4.7°C / 40.5°F 07:47 / 19:00 48
12 17.7°C / 63.9°F 4.8°C / 40.6°F 07:47 / 19:01 43
13 17.8°C / 64°F 4.8°C / 40.6°F 07:46 / 19:02 54
14 17.8°C / 64°F 4.9°C / 40.8°F 07:45 / 19:02 43
15 17.9 °C / 64.2°F 5°C / 41°F 07:45 / 19:03 42
16 18°C / 64.4°F 5.1°C / 41.2°F 07:44 / 19:03 47
17 18.1°C / 64.6°F 5.1°C / 41.2°F 07:43 / 19:04 47
18 18.2°C / 64.8°F 5.2°C / 41.4°F 07:42 / 19:05 52
19 18.3°C / 64.9°F 5.3°C / 41.5°F 07:42 / 19:05 59
20 18.4°C / 65.1°F 5.4 °C / 41.7°F 07:41 / 19:06 68
21 18.5°C / 65.3°F 5.5°C / 41.9°F 07:40 / 19:07 58
22 18.6°C / 65.5°F 5.6°C / 42.1°F 07:39 / 19:07 57
23 18.7°C / 65.7°F 5.7°C / 42.3°F 07:38 / 19:08 53
24 18.8°C / 65.8°F 5.8°C / 42.4°F 07:38 / 19:08 65
25 18.9 °C / 66°F 5.9°C / 42.6°F 07:37 / 19:09 81
26 19°C / 66.2°F 6°C / 42.8°F 07:36 / 19:09 71
27 19.1°C / 66.4°F 6.1°C / 43°F 07:35 / 19:10 55
28 19.2°C / 66.6°F 6.2°C / 43.2°F 07:34 / 19:10 51
- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2024 by Demi Li -
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