Kunming Weather in April

Kunming weather in April is warm with an average temperature of 10°C ~ 24°C (50°F ~ 75°F) and low precipitation. The temperature difference between day and night is obviously sensible. Generally April is the hottest month in the city, and sometimes the daily maximum temperature is higher than that of summer days. However, visitors don't need to worry about this for Kunming is never too hot throughout the year. Bright sunshine and blooming flowers in April make the city delightful.

In mid-April, the people of Dai nationality in Yunnan Nationalities Village celebrate the Water-Slashing Festival, which is the New Year for the Dai people. The traditional custom is to splash water on each other, hoping to wash away bad luck. From April 23rd to 24th, the people of Bai nationality in the village will host ritual ceremonies to worship their God and ancestors. If you are travelling in time for these celebrations, you will have a good time.

See more about Yunnan Weather in April.

Averages for Kunming Weather in April

Temperature: 17°C / 63°F
High Temperature: 24°C / 75°F
Low Temperature: 10°C / 50°F
Humidity: 59%
Rainfall: 24 mm
Rainy Days: 7 days
Sunrise: 06:34 ~ 07:01
Sunset: 19:26 ~ 19:39
Air Quality in April
Average AQI:58
Kunming Air Quality in April

What to Wear in Kunming in April

For Kunming's climate in April in the daytime is relatively hot, you'd better wear some light and breathable clothes such as cotton and linen shirts, long and filmy dresses or thin T-shirts, but you still need to bring coats, jackets or light sweaters in case you catch a cold due to temperature difference.
Kunming Clothes in April April Wear in Kunming

Where to Go in Kunming in April

Kunming World Horticultural Expo Garden including five exhibition halls, seven theme gardens and three outdoor exhibition areas is a good place to appreciate famous plants and flowers, and the beauty of gardens. Usually it will take a whole day to walk through. Walking the Haigeng Park in the evening breeze is a cozy and comfortable thing, and you can have a panoramic view of Dianchi Lake.
Yunnan Wildlife ParkYunnan Wildlife Park
Dances of Dai PeopleDances of Dai People

Other Tips

For the strong sunlight and dry air in April, you need to apply sunscreen or wear a hat and sun-proof clothing to protect your skin. You should drink more water and have fresh fruit and vegetables. All kinds of flowers are in full bloom in this month; therefore, you should be aware of pollen allergies. In addition it is recommended to avoid a Qingming Festival vacation, for fear that scenic spots are crowded with visitors.

What is the temperature in Kunming in April?

High/Low Temperatures of Kunming in April
Temperatures Graph of Kunming in April
Air Quality of Kunming in April
Kunming AQI Graph in April

Historical Kunming Weather in April

Apr Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 23°C / 73.4°F 9.9°C / 49.8°F 07:01 / 19:26 34
2 23.1°C / 73.6°F 10°C / 50°F 07:00 / 19:26 42
3 23.2°C / 73.8°F 10.1°C / 50.2°F 06:59 / 19:27 47
4 23.3°C / 73.9°F 10.2°C / 50.4°F 06:58 / 19:27 40
5 23.3°C / 73.9°F 10.3 °C / 50.5°F 06:57 / 19:28 49
6 23.4°C / 74.1°F 10.4°C / 50.7°F 06:56 / 19:28 44
7 23.5°C / 74.3°F 10.5°C / 50.9°F 06:55 / 19:29 40
8 23.6°C / 74.5°F 10.6°C / 51.1°F 06:54 / 19:29 37
9 23.6°C / 74.5°F 10.7°C / 51.3°F 06:53 / 19:29 36
10 23.7°C / 74.7F 10.8°C / 51.4°F 06:52 / 19:30 35
11 23.8°C / 74.8°F 10.9°C / 51.6°F 06:51 / 19:30 35
12 23.9°C / 75°F 11°C / 51.8°F 06:50 / 19:31 30
13 24°C / 75.2°F 11.1°C / 52°F 06:49 / 19:31 25
14 24°C / 75.2°F 11.2°C / 52.2°F 06:48 / 19:32 24
15 24.1°C / 75.4°F 11.3°C / 52.3°F 06:47 / 19:32 25
16 24.2°C / 75.6°F 11.4°C / 52.5°F 06:46 / 19:33 31
17 24.3°C / 75.7°F 11.5°C / 52.7°F 06:45 / 19:33 56
18 24.3°C / 75.7°F 11.7°C / 53.1°F 06:44 / 19:34 50
19 24.4°C / 75.9°F 11.8°C / 53.2°F 06:43 / 19:34 45
20 24.5°C / 76.1°F 11.9°C / 53.4°F 06:42 / 19:34 52
21 24.6°C / 76.3°F 12°C / 53.6°F 06:41 / 19:35 58
22 24.6°C / 76.3°F 12.1°C / 53.8°F 06:40 / 19:35 52
23 24.7°C / 76.5°F 12.2°C / 54°F 06:40 / 19:36 43
24 24.7°C / 76.5°F 12.3°C / 54.1°F 06:39 / 19:36 49
25 24.8°C / 76.6°F 12.4°C / 54.3°F 06:38 / 19:37 38
26 24.8°C / 76.6°F 12.6°C / 54.7°F 06:37 / 19:37 39
27 24.9°C / 76.8°F 12.7°C / 54.9°F 06:36 / 19:38 44
28 24.9°C / 76.8°F 12.8°C / 55°F 06:36 / 19:38 40
29 24.9°C / 76.8°F 12.9°C / 55.2°F 06:35 / 19:39 39
30 24.9°C / 76.8°F 13°C / 55.4°F 06:34 / 19:39 32
- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2024 by Demi Li -
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