Kunming Weather in December
Kunming weather in December is cold with an average daytime temperature of 3°C ~ 15°C(37°F ~ 59°F), and the temperature difference between day and night increases further. The average precipitation reduces to 12mm, so the air is dry with an average humidity of 73%. In December, air quality in Kunming is good and the visibility is high.
Most cities in China are frozen and snow-covered in this month, but Kunming seldom sees snow and is still colorful and energetic. Most days are sunny, and you can go outside and sit on a bench in the park to take a sun bath.
See more about Yunnan Weather in December.
Averages for Kunming Weather in December
Temperature: 8°C / 46°F
High Temperature: 15°C / 59°F
Low Temperature: 3°C / 37°F
Humidity: 73%
Rainfall: 12 mm
Rainy Days: 4 days
Sunrise: 07:38 ~ 07:54
Sunset: 18:19 ~ 18:30
Air Quality in December
Average AQI:49
Average AQI:49
What to Wear in Kunming in December
Where to Go in Kunming in December
Other Tips
What is the temperature in Kunming in December?
High/Low Temperatures of Kunming in December
Air Quality of Kunming in December
Historical Kunming Weather in December
Dec | Temperature | Sunrise / Sunset | Humi- dity (%) | |
High | Low | |||
1 | 16.3°C / 61.3°F | 5.8°C / 42.4°F | 07:38 / 18:19 | 75 |
2 | 16.2°C / 61.2°F | 5.7°C / 42.3°F | 07:38 / 18:19 | 75 |
3 | 16.1°C / 61°F | 5.6°C / 42.1°F | 07:39 / 18:19 | 77 |
4 | 16°C / 60.8°F | 5.4°C / 41.7°F | 07:40 / 18:19 | 69 |
5 | 15.9°C / 60.6°F | 5.3°C / 41.5°F | 07:40 / 18:19 | 62 |
6 | 15.8°C / 60.4°F | 5.2°C / 41.4°F | 07:41 / 18:19 | 64 |
7 | 15.7°C / 60.3°F | 5.1°C / 41.2°F | 07:42 / 18:20 | 63 |
8 | 15.6°C / 60.1°F | 5°C / 41°F | 07:42 / 18:20 | 59 |
9 | 15.5°C / 59.9°F | 4.8°C / 40.6°F | 07:43 / 18:20 | 62 |
10 | 15.5°C / 59.9°F | 4.7°C / 40.5°F | 07:44 / 18:20 | 59 |
11 | 15.4°C / 59.7°F | 4.6°C / 40.3°F | 07:44 / 18:21 | 62 |
12 | 15.4°C / 59.7°F | 4.5°C / 40.1°F | 07:45 / 18:21 | 67 |
13 | 15.3°C / 59.5°F | 4.4°C / 39.9°F | 07:46 / 18:21 | 74 |
14 | 15.3°C / 59.5°F | 4.3°C / 39.7°F | 07:46 / 18:22 | 80 |
15 | 15.2°C / 59.4°F | 4.2°C / 39.6°F | 07:47 / 18:22 | 89 |
16 | 15.2°C / 59.4°F | 4.1°C / 39.4°F | 07:47 / 18:22 | 79 |
17 | 15.2°C / 59.4°F | 4°C / 39.2°F | 07:48 / 18:23 | 78 |
18 | 15.2°C / 59.4°F | 3.9°C / 39°F | 07:49 / 18:23 | 78 |
19 | 15.2°C / 59.4°F | 3.8 °C / 38.8°F | 07:49 / 18:24 | 84 |
20 | 15.2°C / 59.4°F | 3.7°C / 38.7°F | 07:50 / 18:24 | 86 |
21 | 15.2°C / 59.4°F | 3.6°C / 38.5°F | 07:50 / 18:25 | 78 |
22 | 15.2°C / 59.4°F | 3.5°C / 38.3°F | 07:51 / 18:25 | 76 |
23 | 15.2°C / 59.4°F | 3.5°C / 38.3°F | 07:51 / 18:26 | 77 |
24 | 15.3°C / 59.5°F | 3.4°C / 38.1°F | 07:52 / 18:26 | 73 |
25 | 15.3°C / 59.5°F | 3.4°C / 38.1°F | 07:52 / 18:27 | 73 |
26 | 15.3°C / 59.5°F | 3.3°C / 37.9°F | 07:52 / 18:27 | 69 |
27 | 15.4°C / 59.7°F | 3.3°C / 37.9°F | 07:53 / 18:28 | 81 |
28 | 15.4°C / 59.7°F | 3.3°C / 37.9°F | 07:53 / 18:28 | 71 |
29 | 15.4°C / 59.7°F | 3.2°C / 37.8°F | 07:54 / 18:29 | 78 |
30 | 15.4°C / 59.7°F | 3.2°C / 37.8°F | 07:54 / 18:30 | 71 |
31 | 15.5°C / 59.9°F | 3.2°C / 37.8°F | 07:54 / 18:30 | 66 |
- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2024 by Demi Li -
Questions & Answers on Kunming Weather in December
Asked by Sheryl from SINGAPORE | Oct. 31, 2019 22:20Reply
Hello, I'm going Dongchuan Red Land, Jianshui, Yuanyang, Mi'Le in Dec 2019.
I understand that it is winter season
The weather will be cooling at probably 15 degrees or lower. Would there be snow? I read that Kunming is high altitude but snow is unlikely? Your views if this is a good time to visit those places?
The weather will be cooling at probably 15 degrees or lower. Would there be snow? I read that Kunming is high altitude but snow is unlikely? Your views if this is a good time to visit those places?
Answers (1)
Answered by Shannon from AUSTRALIA | Nov. 04, 2019 18:24
You can go these attractions in December. Yes, it will be cold at that time. But Kunming belongs to subtropical region so there is little chance to expect snow weather.
Asked by Arep from MALAYSIA | Oct. 16, 2019 07:51Reply
Is there snow fall in kunming?
Answers (1)
Answered by Luke from UNITED KINGDOM | Oct. 17, 2019 20:07
Well, based on the previous weather statistics, the possibility of snow would be small.
Asked by Mona from UNITED STATES | Nov. 14, 2018 22:42Reply
How far is the Jade market from the Kunming Changshui Airport?
Is there any pearl market in the city?
Answers (1)
Answered by Vida from USA | Nov. 15, 2018 17:53
There are many jade markets in this city. I found one located at No.64 West Dongfeng Road, Wuhua District. It is about 27 kilometers from the airport to the jade market. You can take the metro line 6 and 3 to get there.
Xinrun Pearl in Jingxing Jewelry Market is located at No. 145, negative first floor, Nanping Street.
Xinrun Pearl in Jingxing Jewelry Market is located at No. 145, negative first floor, Nanping Street.
Asked by Ng from MALAYSIA | Nov. 14, 2018 17:32Reply
Is it suitable to play golf in Kunming in end December?
Answers (1)
Answered by Rena from USA | Nov. 15, 2018 17:44
The average temperature in December may be about 5C - 15C. You are advised to play golf at noon when it would be sunny and warm.