Dali Weather in August

In August in Dali, the weather is cool at night and a little hot at daytime. The range of temperature is from 16°C (61°F) to 24°C (75°F). Compared with other cities in China, the climate is more suitable for outdoor activities. However, August is the rainy season in Dali, and the monthly precipitation runs up to 209mm, the maximum precipitation across the whole year in Dali. But don’t worry about outdoor activities in rainy days, because rainfalls in August of Dali just last for a short time, seldom interrupting your travelling plan. 

Besides, August is peak season for travelling because of the summer holidays, which may lead to higher demand for flight tickets and hotels.

See more about Yunnan Weather in August.

Averages for Dali Weather in August

Temperature: 19°C / 66°F
High Temperature: 24°C / 75°F
Low Temperature: 16°C / 61°F
Humidity: 84%
Rainfall: 209 mm
Rainy Days: 20 days
Sunrise: 06:46 ~ 06:59
Sunset: 19:40 ~ 20:05
Air Quality in August
Average AQI:19
Dali Air Quality in August

What to Wear in Dali in August

In consideration of the climate in August of Dali at day, just put on a short T-shirt, light pants, dress or shorts. While it’s a little cool at night, a thin coat could make you feel comfortable under gentle wind. You should pay more attention to the weather forecast before going outside in order to pack the right clothing, like a raincoat on a rainy day.
Dali Clothes in August August Wear in Dali

Where to Go in Dali in August

Considering the rainy weather, there’s no doubt that indoor tourist spots, like Bai Autonomous Prefecture Museum and Dali Municipal Museum, are great choices to appreciate historical artistic works. 

In addition, Yan’s Compound can leave a great impression on travelers with its magnificent folk architecture of Bai ethnic minority.

August will be a fascinating time for those who are curious about Chinese traditional festivals held by ethnic minorities. There are at least four traditional festivals held in August in Dali, including Shibaoshan Song Festival, and Lanterns Festival on the Water. Attending the celebration of traditional ethnic festivals will prove unforgettable.

Other Tips

Remember to bargain before buying products at scenic spots. Check the weather forecast before traveling in Dali.

What is the temperature in Dali in August?

High/Low Temperatures of Dali in August
Temperatures Graph of Dali in August
Air Quality of Dali in August
Dali AQI Graph in August

Historical Dali Weather in August

Aug Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:46 / 20:05 82
2 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:46 / 20:04 80
3 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2C / 61.2°F 06:46 / 20:04 83
4 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:47 / 20:03 78
5 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:47 / 20:02 78
6 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:48 / 20:02 78
7 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:48 / 20:01 85
8 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:49 / 20:00 93
9 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:49 / 19:59 97
10 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:50 / 19:59 97
11 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:50 / 19:58 94
12 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:51 / 19:57 91
13 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:51 / 19:57 79
14 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:52 / 19:56 84
15 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:52 / 19:55 97
16 24.8°C / 76.6°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:53 / 19:54 68
17 24.7°C / 76.4°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:53 / 19:53 72
18 24.7°C / 76.4°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:54 / 19:52 86
19 24.7°C / 76.4°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 06:54 / 19:51 73
20 24.7°C / 76.4°F 16.1°C / 61°F 06:54 / 19:50 76
21 24.6°C / 76.2°F 16.1°C / 61°F 06:55 / 19:49 73
22 24.6°C / 76.2°F 16.1°C / 61°F 06:55 / 19:49 65
23 24.6°C / 76.2°F 16°C / 60.8°F 06:56 / 19:48 65
24 24.5°C / 76.1°F 16°C / 60.8°F 06:56 / 19:47 78
25 24.5°C / 76.1°F 16°C / 60.8°F 06:57 / 19:46 96
26 24.5°C / 76.1°F 15.9°C / 60.6°F 06:57 / 19:45 93
27 24.4°C / 75.9°F 15.9°C / 60.6°F 06:57 / 19:44 73
28 24.4°C / 75.9°F 15.8°C / 60.4°F 06:58 / 19:43 73
29 24.3°C / 75.7°F 15.7°C / 60.3°F 06:58 / 19:42 76
30 24.3°C / 75.7°F 15.7°C / 60.3°F 06:59 / 19:41 77
31 24.2°C / 75.5°F 15.6°C / 60°F 06:59 / 19:40 83

- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2024 by Demi Li -
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