How to Travel from Kuala Lumpur to Haikou

In consideration of the long distance of about 2,100km (1,300 mi), the direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Haikou should be the best way of travel. However, since no flights to Haikou from Kuala Lumpur are scheduled, visitors have to make a transfer in other airports.

Currently, the best airport to connect flights is Shanghai Pudong International Airport which operates two flights from Kuala Lumpur, taking off at 01:55 and 16:10 every day. The duration is 5.5-6 hours. If you arrive in Shanghai in early morning, you can have a rest and then take an afternoon flight to Haikou. If not, you have to spend one night in Shanghai because no flights are available after 21:00.

The alternative airport is Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. Two flights fly from Kuala Lumpur to Guangzhou on every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, taking about 4.5 hours. Only 1.5 hours are needed by flight from Guangzhou to Haikou.

 Tips: The tables below show the full price. The discount varies with season and airline arrangement.

1. Kuala Lumpur to Shanghai to Haikou Flight: over 11h, CNY3,606-8,513 for Economy Class

Two flights take off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport and land at Shanghai Pudong International Airport every day.

Flight No.    Dep.  Arr.  Duration  Economy Class
FM862   01:55     07:30    5h35m     CNY2,953-6,593
FM886   16:10   22:10  6h  CNY2,953-6,593

We recommend you to take FM862. Take the time consumed for transfer into account, at least 11 hours are needed for the whole journey. If you arrive in Shanghai at 22:10 by FM886, you need to spend one night in Shanghai and then fly to Haikou the next day, because no fights are in service from Shanghai to Haikou that time. About 10 flights to Haikou Meilan International Airport are available during 06:25 to 21:00 per day. A single trip takes about 3 hours. Discounted tickets can often be booked online and the ticket price of Economy Class ranges from CNY650 to CNY1,920.

2. Kuala Lumpur to Guangzhou to Haikou Flight: over 8.5h, CNY1,550-5,000 for Economy Class

There are also flights to Guangzhou on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from Kuala Lumpur. The trip spends about 4.5 hours and CNY1,100-3,050 for Economy Class.

Flight No.    Date  Dep.  Arr.   Duration   Economy Class
OD612   Monday   21:45  02:10+1 4h25m   CNY3,057
CZ350 Tuesday  13:30 17:40  4h10m  CNY3,047/3,057
CZ350   Friday  15:55  20:00  4h5min CNY3,047/3,057
AK116  Wednesday     21:20 21:20   4h20min CNY1,100-1,352

Later, it is suggested to fly to Haikou, which is the best way to transfer from Guangzhou to Haikou. Over 15 flights can be chosen from 06:35 to 23:45. The duration is only 1.5 hours and the tickets for Economy Class is around CNY450-2,000.

How to Travel Back from Haikou to Kuala Lumpur

Haikou to Guangzhou to Kuala Lumpur Flight: over 8.5h, CNY CNY1,300-4,094 for Economy Class
Visitors who want to travel back from Haikou to Kuala Lumpur also need to make a transfer and Guangzhou is a nice choice. There is at least one flight flying from Guangzhou to Kuala Lumpur on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. The fly time is about 4 hours.

Flight No.     Date   Dep.   Arr.     Duration   Economy Class
MH377  Monday   16:00   20:05   4h5min   CNY2,103-2,204
CZ349 Tuesday  08:15  12:10  3h55min  CNY2,007
CZ349   Friday   10:15   14:10  3h55min   CNY2137

About 15 flights fly from Haikou Meilan International Airport to Guangzhou during 06:55 to 23:20, taking about 1.5 hour every day. Discounted tickets are frequently accessible online. The tickets for Economy Class costs CNY400 to CNY1, 890.  

Kuala Lumpur to Haikou Travel Tips

When is the Best Time to Visit Haikou?

October to next May is the best time for Haikou tourism. During this period, tourists can enjoy pleasant weather and the sun is not so strong. Tourists can comfortably go for a walk on the beach under the warm sunshine.

Do Malaysians Need a Visa to Travel to Haikou?

Malaysian citizens with valid passports are exempted from China visas if they join in travel groups with 5 or more people organized by international travel agencies registered in Hainan with the China National Tourism Administration and stay for no more than 30 days. If you do not meet the above visa free conditions, you can submit your application to China Visa Application Service Center in Kuala Lumpur. Application form, passport information page and copy of ID card are required. Normally, the visa can be gotten in the fourth working day.

China Visa Application Service Center in Kuala Lumpur

Address: Level 5 & 6, Hampshire Place Office, Jalan Mayang Sari, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Telephone: 603 2176 0888
Fax: 603 2161 2234
Opening Time: 09:00-16:00, Monday to Friday

Time Difference between Kuala Lumpur and Haikou

There is no time difference between Kuala Lumpur and Haikou.

Money Exchange

The official currency in China is China Yuan (CNY). The exchange rate between Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) and Chinese Yuan (CNY) is as follows: 1 MYR≈1.6 CNY, 1 CNY≈0.62 MYR.

- Last updated on Jun. 08, 2021 -
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