Harbin Weather in February
Compared with January, Harbin weather in February is a little warmer. The average daytime temperature is -7°C (19°F), and the average night temperature is -20°C (-4°F). The temperature difference between day and night is great. The average precipitation is only 5mm, so the air is dry. The city is clad in silvery white dress this month, which attracts a lot of tourists.
Around mid-February, the locals celebrate the Lantern Festival. During that night, they will light the candles placed on the surface of the frozen river beforehand and then roll on the ice surface to drive disasters away. If you are travelling during this time, you can experience the tradition.
Averages for Harbin Weather in February
Temperature: -14°C / 7°F
High Temperature: -7°C/ 19°F
Low Temperature: -20°C / -4°F
Humidity: 68%
Rainfall: 5 mm
Rainy Days: 6 days
Sunrise: 06:15 ~ 06:56
Sunset: 16:38 ~ 17:17
Air Quality in February
Average AQI:83
Average AQI:83

What to Wear in Harbin in February

Things to Do in Harbin in February
If you want to appreciate ice sculptures and experience Russian customs, you can go to the Sun Island Scenic Area. There you can visit the Ice and Snow Art Gallery to watch various sculptures. In Russian-flavor Town, dozens of Russian folk houses and villas show you the exotic charm. More specifically, the ticket for the town is a memorial passport to be stamped at each house.
Other Tips
What is the temperature in Harbin in February?
High/Low Temperatures of Harbin in February

Air Quality of Harbin in February

Historical Harbin Weather in February
Apr | Temperature | Sunrise / Sunset | Humi- dity (%) | |
High | Low | |||
1 | -9.6°C / 14.7°F | -21.5°C / -6.7°F | 06:56 / 16:38 | 89 |
2 | -9.3°C / 15.2°F | -21.3°C / -6.3°F | 06:55 / 16:39 | 90 |
3 | -9.1°C / 15.6°F | -21.1°C / -6°F | 06:54 / 16:41 | 87 |
4 | -8.9°C / 16°F | -20.9°C / -5.6°F | 06:53 / 16:42 | 89 |
5 | -8.6°C / 16.5°F | -20.7°C / -5.3°F | 06:51 / 16:44 | 90 |
6 | -8.4°C / 16.9°F | -20.4°C / -4.7°F | 06:50 / 16:45 | 92 |
7 | -8.1°C / 17.4°F | -20.2°C / -4.4°F | 06:49 / 16:47 | 93 |
8 | -7.8°C / 18°F | -20°C / -4°F | 06:47 / 16:48 | 93 |
9 | -7.6°C / 18.3°F | -19.7°C / -3.5°F | 06:46 / 16:50 | 94 |
10 | -7.3°C / 18.9F | -19.5°C / -3.1°F | 06:45 / 16:51 | 89 |
11 | -7.1°C / 19.2°F | -19.2°C / -2.6°F | 06:43 / 16:53 | 84 |
12 | -6.8°C / 19.8°F | -18.9°C / -2°F | 06:42 / 16:54 | 95 |
13 | -6.5°C / 20.3°F | -18.7°C / -1.7°F | 06:40 / 16:56 | 90 |
14 | -6.2°C / 20.8°F | -18.4°C / -1.1°F | 06:39 / 16:57 | 88 |
15 | -6°C / 21.2°F | -18.1°C / -0.6°F | 06:37 / 16:59 | 88 |
16 | -5.7°C / 21.7°F | -17.8°C / -0.04°F | 06:35 / 17:00 | 94 |
17 | -5.4°C / 22.3°F | -17.6°C / 0.3°F | 06:34 / 17:02 | 90 |
18 | -5.1°C / 22.8°F | -17.3°C / 0.9°F | 06:32 / 17:03 | 94 |
19 | -4.8°C / 23.4°F | -17°C / 1.4°F | 06:31 / 17:04 | 91 |
20 | -4.6°C / 23.7°F | -16.7°C / 1.9°F | 06:29 / 17:06 | 85 |
21 | -4.3°C / 24.3°F | -16.4 °C / 2.5°F | 06:27 / 17:07 | 80 |
22 | -4 °C / 24.8°F | -16.1°C / 3°F | 06:26 / 17:09 | 88 |
23 | -3.7°C / 25.3°F | -15.7°C / 3.7°F | 06:24 / 17:10 | 92 |
24 | -3.4°C / 25.9°F | -15.4°C / 4.3°F | 06:22 / 17:12 | 81 |
25 | -3.1°C / 26.4°F | -15.1°C / 4.8°F | 06:21 / 17:13 | 94 |
26 | -2.8°C / 27°F | -14.8°C / 5.4°F | 06:19 / 17:15 | 91 |
27 | -2.5°C / 27.5°F | -14.4°C / 6.1°F | 06:17 / 17:16 | 93 |
28 | -2.2°C / 28°F | -14.1°C / 6.6°F | 06:15 / 17:17 | 89 |
- Last updated on Jan. 20, 2020 -