Chongqing Weather in September

September is the beginning month of autumn in Chongqing when the weather gradually turns cool. The average daytime temperature is 28°C (82°F), and the average night temperature is 21°C (70°F). The average humidity of this month is 80%. The air is humid, with good air quality. Chongqing welcomes more tourists than previous months thanks to the pleasant climate.

Around mid September, local people will celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with traditional activities such as appreciating full moon, sacrificing to the moon and eating moon cakes. Visitors can appreciate the glorious full moon in Eling Park and Pipa Mountain Park, savor moon cakes and taste osmanthus wine.

Averages for Chongqing Weather in September

Temperature: 24°C / 75°F
High Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
Low Temperature: 21°C / 70°F
Humidity: 80%
Rainfall: 128 mm
Rainy Days: 14 days
Sunrise: 06:31 ~ 06:46
Sunset: 18:40 ~ 19:16
Air Quality in September
Average AQI:33
Chongqing Air Quality in September

What to Wear in Chongqing in September

Breathable short-sleeved T-shirts plus ninth pants or cropped trousers, or cotton or chiffon dresses are suitable for daytime travel. You can wear a thin coat or thin sport suits when going out at night.
Chongqing Clothes in September September Wear in Chongqing

Things to Do in Chongqing in September

Giant panda - a kind of precious animal is waiting for you in Chongqing. Chongqing Zoo is the best place to see giant pandas, and is also an important base for the protection and breeding of endangered animals. Visitors can see rare animals such as lesser panda, yakin, argali, South China Tiger, golden cat and clouded leopard. After the visit, you can go to the Baguocheng to experience the Ba culture which is fully presented in architecture, sculptures, carvings, museum and opera house.

At night, going to Hongya Cave to relax yourself is a good option. Hongya Cave is located in the core commercial district of Chongqing, and integrates entertainment, sightseeing and catering. The most distinctive and attractive feature of the site is the stilted building on a steep cliff. Visitors can appreciate stilt house complex and Hongya Dripping and stroll around the four cultural streets. Delicious food and wonderful night view should not be missed.
Top 10 Things to Do in Chongqing 

Other Tips

In Chongqing, sunny weather is very common in September. Sunlight and ultraviolet radiation are intense, so you should apply sunscreen and drink more water during outdoor activities. Taxi fare in Chongqing is very cheap, so if you are not familiar with the route, you can take a taxi.

What is the temperature in Chongqing in September?

High/Low Temperatures of Chongqing in September
Temperatures Graph of Chongqing in September
Air Quality of Chongqing in September
Chongqing AQI Graph in September

Historical Chongqing Weather in September

Sep Temperature  Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low
1 30.8 °C / 87.4°F 23.1 °C / 73.6°F 06:31 / 19:16 61
2 30.6°C / 87.1°F 22.9°C / 73.2°F 06:31 / 19:15 57
3 30.5°C / 86.9°F 22.8°C / 73°F 06:32 / 19:14 39
4 30.3°C / 86.5°F 22.7°C / 72.9°F 06:33 / 19:13 73
5 30.2°C / 86.4°F 22.6°C / 72.7°F 06:33 / 19:11 76
6 30°C / 86°F 22.4°C / 72°F 06:34 / 19:10 76
7 29.9°C / 85.8°F 22.3 °C / 72°F 06:34 / 19:09 70
8 29.7°C / 85.5°F 22.2°C / 72°F 06:35 / 19:08 93
9 29.6°C / 85.3°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:35 / 19:06 90
10 29.4°C / 84.9°F 21.9°C / 71.4°F 06:36 / 19:05 66
11 29.3°C / 84.7°F 21.8°C / 71.2°F 06:36 / 19:04 54
12 29.1°C / 84.4°F 21.6 °C / 70.9°F 06:37 / 19:03 44
13 28.9°C / 84°F 21.5°C / 70.7°F 06:37 / 19:01 48
14 28.7°C / 83.7°F 21.4 °C / 70.5°F 06:38 / 19:00 54
15 28.5°C / 81.3°F 21.2 °C / 70.2°F 06:38 / 18:59 84
16 28.3°C / 82.9°F 21.1 °C / 70°F 06:39 / 18:58 63
17 28.1°C / 82.6°F 20.9°C / 69.6°F 06:39 / 18:56 58
18 27.9°C / 82.2°F 20.8°C / 69.4°F 06:40 / 18:55 55
19 27.6°C / 81.7°F 20.6 °C / 69.1°F 06:40 / 18:54 88
20 27.4 °C / 81.3°F 20.5 °C / 68.9°F 06:41 / 18:53 86
21 27.2°C / 81°F 20.3°C / 68.5°F 06:41 / 18:51 40
22 26.9 °C / 80.4°F 20.2 °C / 68.4°F 06:42 / 18:50 52
23 26.6°C / 79.9°F 20 °C / 68°F 06:43 / 18:49 76
24 26.4°C / 79.5°F 19.9 °C / 67.8°F 06:43 / 18:48 84
25 26.1°C / 79°F 19.7 °C / 67.5°F 06:44 / 18:47 82
26 25.8°C / 78.4°F 19.5 °C / 67.1°F 06:44 / 18:45 81
27 25.5°C / 77.9°F 19.4 °C / 66.9°F 06:45 / 18:44 75
28 25.3 °C / 77.5°F 19.2°C / 66.6°F 06:45 / 18:43 85
29 25°C / 77°F 19°C / 66.2°F 06:46 / 18:42 75
30 24.7°C / 76.5°F 18.9 °C / 66°F 06:46 / 18:40 64
- Last updated on Jun. 27, 2019 -
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