Chongqing Weather in June

June is the beginning month of summer when the weather of Chongqing is getting warmer with an average temperature of 22°C ~ 29°C (72°F ~ 84°F), and the temperature difference between day and night is moderate. The average precipitation of this month reaches 171mm and the average humidity is 80%. The air quality and visibility are good thanks to less fog.

The celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival may fall in early June. Visitors can watch dragon boat races and take part in some traditional activities such as making rice dumplings (Zongzi in Chinese) and fragrant bags, hanging mugwort and guessing lantern riddles.

Averages for Chongqing Weather in June

Temperature: 25°C / 77°F
High Temperature: 29°C / 84°F
Low Temperature: 22°C / 72°F
Humidity: 80%
Rainfall: 171 mm
Rainy Days: 16 days
Sunrise: 05:53 ~ 05:57
Sunset: 19:50 ~ 19:58
Air Quality in June
Average AQI:41
Chongqing Air Quality in June

What to Wear in Chongqing in June

The climate in Chongqing is pleasant, so a cotton and linen shirt or thin T-shirt plus ninth pants or long and filmy dresses are recommended for you to wear in daytime. You'd better take a thin coat when going outside at night in case you catch a cold.
Chongqing Clothes in June June Wear in Chongqing

Things to Do in Chongqing in June

Daytime temperature in June is acceptable, so moderate outdoor activities are OK. Dazu Rock Carvings, listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999, is worth visiting. It is a collection of cliffside carvings in Dazu District, representing exquisite rock carving art in ancient China. Among all the rock carvings, the Beishan Rock Carving and Baodingshan Rock Carving stand out. Visitors can see the Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian figures as well as inscriptions.

If you don't want to go far from the city center, you can visit Ci Qi Kou which is the closest ancient town to downtown Chongqing. You can wander on the flagstone road to feel the strong historical and cultural atmosphere of the town, or sit down in an old teahouse to sip a cup of tea and appreciate distinctive folk operas. Local delicacies and delicate artifacts also bring visual and gustatory pleasure.
Top 10 Things to Do in Chongqing 

Other Tips

In June, the sunlight is relatively abundant and the weather is warm in Chongqing, so you should take sunscreen, sun-protective clothing and sun glasses to protect you from intense ultraviolet radiation. Drink enough water, especially after outdoor activities. Non-acclimatization is very common, so you'd better take some commonly used medicine. Many minority groups live in Chongqing; you should respect their etiquette, avoiding unnecessary troubles.

What is the temperature in Chongqing in June?

High/Low Temperatures of Chongqing in June
Temperatures Graph of Chongqing in June
Air Quality of Chongqing in June
Chongqing AQI Graph in June

Historical Chongqing Weather in June

Jun Temperature  Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low
1 27.8°C / 82°F 20.6 °C / 69°F 05:54 / 19:50 62
2 27.9°C / 82.2°F 20.7°C / 69.6°F 05:54 / 19:50 91
3 28 °C / 82.4°F 20.8 °C / 69.4°F 05:54 / 19:51 68
4 28.1°C / 82.6°F 20.8 °C / 69.4°F 05:54 / 19:51 53
5 28.2°C / 82.8°F 20.9 °C / 69.6°F 05:54 / 19:52 53
6 28.3°C / 82.9°F 21°C / 69.8°F 05:54 / 19:52 44
7 28.4 °C / 83.1°F 21.1 °C / 70°F 05:53 / 19:52 77
8 28.5 °C / 83.3°F 21.2 °C / 70.2°F 05:53 / 19:53 54
9 28.7 °C / 83.7°F 21.3 °C / 70.3°F 05:53 / 19:53 84
10 28.8 °C / 83.8°F 21.4°C / 70.5°F 05:53 / 19:54 82
11 28.9°C / 84°F 21.5 °C / 70.7°F 05:53 / 19:54 67
12 29°C / 84.2°F 21.7 °C / 71°F 05:53 / 19:54 62
13 29.1°C / 84.4°F 21.8 °C / 71.2°F 05:53 / 19:55 54
14 29.3 °C / 84.7°F 21.9 °C / 71.4°F 05:53 / 19:55 54
15 29.4 °C / 84.9°F 22°C / 71.6°F 05:54 / 19:56 88
16 29.5 °C / 85.1°F 22.1°C / 71.8°F 05:54 / 19:56 54
17 29.6°C / 85.3°F 22.2°C / 72°F 05:54 / 19:56 52
18 29.7 °C / 85.5°F 22.4°C / 72.3°F 05:54 / 19:56 58
19 29.9°C / 85.8°F 22.5 °C / 72.5°F 05:54 / 19:57 81
20 30 °C / 86°F 22.6 °C / 72.7°F 05:54 / 19:57 70
21 30.1 °C / 86.2°F 22.7 °C / 72.9°F 05:54 / 19:57 57
22 30.2 °C / 86.4°F 22.8°C / 73°F 05:55 / 19:57 68
23 30.3 °C / 86.5°F 23°C / 73.4°F 05:55 / 19:57 66
24 30.4 °C / 86.7°F 23.1°C / 73.6°F 05:55 / 19:58 87
25 30.5°C / 86.9°F 23.2°C / 73.7°F 05:55 / 19:58 88
26 30.6°C / 87.1°F 23.3 °C / 73.9°F 05:56 / 19:58 88
27 30.7 °C / 87.3°F 23.4 °C / 74.1°F 05:56 / 19:58 80
28 30.8°C / 87.4°F 23.5 °C / 74.3°F 05:56 / 19:58 73
29 30.9 °C / 87.6°F 23.6°C / 74.5°F 05:57 / 19:58 63
30 31°C / 87.8°F 23.7°C / 74.7°F 05:57 / 19:58 92
- Last updated on Aug. 27, 2019 -
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