Chongqing Weather in March
In March, the weather of Chongqing is getting warm with an average temperature of 11°C ~ 17°C (52°F ~ 63°F). Compared to previous months, the average night temperature rises and the temperature difference between day and night increases a little bit. Even though the average precipitation of this month is as low as 36mm, the average humidity reaches 76%, so the weather is not dry.
March is generally regarded as the beginning month of spring when everything comes back to life. The trees begin to sprout, the flowers begin to bloom, and men make spring outings to stretch themselves, all these make the city more energetic and colorful.
Averages for Chongqing Weather in March
Temperature: 14°C / 57°F
High Temperature: 17°C / 63°F
Low Temperature: 11°C / 52°F
Humidity: 76%
Rainfall: 36 mm
Rainy Days: 12 days
Sunrise: 06:44 ~ 07:20
Sunset: 18:53 ~ 19:12
Air Quality in March
Average AQI:51
Average AQI:51

What to Wear in Chongqing in March

Things to Do in Chongqing in March
Top 10 Things to Do in Chongqing
Other Tips
What is the temperature in Chongqing in March?
High/Low Temperatures of Chongqing in March

Air Quality of Chongqing in March

Historical Chongqing Weather in March
Mar | Temperature | Sunrise / Sunset | Humi- dity (%) | |
High | Low | |||
1 | 15.1°C / 59.2°F | 9.3°C / 48.7°F | 07:20 / 18:53 | 38 |
2 | 15.3°C / 59.5°F | 9.4°C / 48.9°F | 07:19 / 18:54 | 43 |
3 | 15.5°C / 59.9°F | 9.5°C / 49.1°F | 07:17 / 18:55 | 43 |
4 | 15.6°C / 49.6°F | 9.7°C / 49.5°F | 07:16 / 18:55 | 50 |
5 | 15.8°C / 60.4°F | 9.8°C / 49.6°F | 07:15 / 18:56 | 53 |
6 | 16°C / 60.8°F | 9.9°C / 49.8°F | 07:14 / 18:57 | 50 |
7 | 16.2°C / 61.2°F | 10°C / 50°F | 07:13 / 18:57 | 75 |
8 | 16.4°C / 61.5°F | 10.1°C / 50.5°F | 07:12 / 18:58 | 84 |
9 | 16.6°C / 61.9°F | 10.3°C / 50.5°F | 07:11 / 18:58 | 77 |
10 | 16.7°C / 62.1°F | 10.4°C / 50.7°F | 07:10 / 18:59 | 69 |
11 | 16.9°C / 62.4°F | 10.5°C / 50.9°F | 07:08 / 19:00 | 51 |
12 | 17.1°C / 62.8°F | 10.7°C / 51.3°F | 07:07 / 19:00 | 51 |
13 | 17.3°C / 63.1°F | 10.8°C / 51.4°F | 07:06 / 19:01 | 60 |
14 | 17.4°C / 63.3°F | 10.9°C / 51.6°F | 07:05 / 19:02 | 39 |
15 | 17.6°C / 63.7°F | 11.1°C / 52°F | 07:04 / 19:02 | 44 |
16 | 17.8°C / 64°F | 11.2°C / 52.1°F | 07:02 / 19:03 | 47 |
17 | 17.9°C / 64.2°F | 11.4°C / 52.5°F | 07:01 / 19:04 | 67 |
18 | 18.1°C / 64.6°F | 11.5°C / 52.7°F | 07:00 / 19:04 | 50 |
19 | 18.3°C / 64.9°F | 11.7°C / 53.1°F | 06:59 / 19:05 | 60 |
20 | 18.4°C / 65.1°F | 11.8°C / 53.2°F | 06:58 / 19:05 | 70 |
21 | 18.6°C / 65.5°F | 12°C / 53.6°F | 06:56 / 19:06 | 66 |
22 | 18.7 °C / 65.7°F | 12.1°C / 53.8°F | 06:55 / 19:07 | 79 |
23 | 18.9 °C / 66°F | 12.2°C / 54°F | 06:54 / 19:07 | 88 |
24 | 19°C / 66.2°F | 12.4°C / 54.3°F | 06:53 / 19:08 | 68 |
25 | 19.2°C / 66.6°F | 12.5°C / 54.5°F | 06:52 / 19:08 | 48 |
26 | 19.3°C / 66.7°F | 12.7°C / 54.9°F | 06:50 / 19:09 | 42 |
27 | 19.5°C / 67.1°F | 12.8°C / 55°F | 06:49 / 19:10 | 42 |
28 | 19.7°C / 67.5°F | 13°C / 55.4°F | 06:48 / 19:10 | 59 |
29 | 19.8°C / 67.6°F | 13.1°C / 55.6°F | 06:47 / 19:11 | 58 |
30 | 20°C / 68°F | 13.3°C / 55.9°F | 06:46 / 19:11 | 60 |
31 | 20.1°C / 68.1°F | 13.4°C / 56.1°F | 06:44 / 19:12 | 50 |
- Last updated on Jun. 27, 2019 -