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Deluxe Soft Sleeper

Deluxe soft sleeper is provided on K, T, Z, L trains and some overnight D trains. In each deluxe soft sleeper carriage, there are 8-10 compartments, each equipped with a lockable sliding door. Inside each compartment, there is an upper and a lower bed in one side, a sofa, a closet, and a washing room with wash-basin, western-style toilet, and toilet paper in the other side. Some deluxe soft sleepers even provide showers in the washroom.

The ticket price of a deluxe soft sleeper is about twice of that of a soft sleeper. Consequently, the luxury soft sleeper bed is bigger and provides room for unencumbered sleep. The deluxe soft sleeper bed is 85cm (34 in) in width, 200cm (79 in) in length. The distance between lower and upper bed is 95 cm (37 in) and the upper bed is about 80 cm (32 in) from the roof, allowing both passengers to sit up straight. The clean beddings, including mattress, quilt, and pillow are offered on each bed.

Besides, other facilities include: a table in the middle of the compartment, electric kettle, newspapers, dustbin, disposable slippers, adjustable reading lights, TVs, control buttons for broadcasting and air-conditioner are also available in deluxe soft sleeper compartments. Sockets are also provided in each compartment for passengers to use their laptops, cell phones, and tablets, etc.
China Train Luxury Soft Sleeper
Luxury Soft Sleeper
Facilities Inside the Compartment
A luggage rack is provided inside the compartment, about 40 cm (16 in) high. It cannot hold bigger luggage. You can put large luggage under the lower berth or table, or inside the luggage closet. The table is about 70 cm (28 in) high from the floor and the lower berth is about 30 cm (12 in) from the floor.

Beds inside deluxe soft sleeper carriage are all numbered. The beds numbers are shown on the door of each compartment. Usually, the even number is used for lower berth and the odd number is for upper berth. In some deluxe soft sleeper carriages, four-berth soft sleeper compartments may be available at each end. In this case, no. 1-4 and No. 21-24 are soft sleeper berths; and No. 5-20 are all luxury soft sleeper berths.

Note: The luxury soft sleepers inside international trains between China and other countries may be different.

Why choose deluxe soft sleeper

1. The bed is bigger and wider, offering passengers more comfortable traveling experiences on these overnight trains.

2. The sliding door offers more privacy and a quieter environment for passengers inside the compartment.

3. Inside the compartment, a clean and private toilet is provided.

4. Excellent facilities, including sofa, closet, control buttons for broadcasting and air-condtioner are available inside the compartment.


1. When buying tickets, you can ask the ticket seller to arrange an all-female or all-male compartment for you if you feel uncomfortable to share a compartment with passengers of the opposite sex. But if you cannot get what you want at the ticket windows, you can ask the conductor to arrange that for you after getting onboard. You can also ask the railway staff to arrange your companion and you in one compartment if needs be.

2. Deluxe soft sleeper provides more privacy and a quieter environment, so it is highly recommended if you want to have a sound sleep.

3. If you are a light sleeper, you can make use of the eyeshade or earplug provided. 

4. Always take valuables with you, unless you have a trusted companion to keep them for you when you are away from the compartment.

5. Tap water should not be drunk directly. Hot drinking water is provided at both ends of the carriage.

- Last updated on Feb. 17, 2025 -