2015 China Tourism Facts & Figures

Sizes of Star-rated Hotels and Their Business Statistics in 2015

By end of 2015, 10,550 star-rated hotels (taking up 85.58% of all star hotels in the database of China National Tourism Administration) submitted business data. Among these hotels, 10,956 are still operating while 1,014 have closed down. The 10,956 operating hotels include 92 one-star rated hotels, 2,373 two-star rated hotels, 5,286 three-star rated hotels, 2,398 four-star rated hotels, and 807 five-star rated hotels. Their total revenue in 2015 amounted to CNY 211.278 billion, of which 41.86% or CNY 88.445 billion was from affiliated restaurants and 35.55% or CNY 75.29 billion was from room-related services. The average room rate of the 10,956 hotels was CNY 343.51/room/night, average occupancy was 55.59%, the revenue per available room was CNY 190.95/night, and the revenue per room was CNY 37,767.47.

The sizes of star hotels and their business statistics in quarter 4:
Number of Hotels Average Room Rate (CNY / Room / Night) Average Occupancy (%) Revenue Per Available Room (CNY / Room / Night) Revenue Per Room (CNY / Room)
Total 10,956 343.51 55.59 190.95 37,767.47
5-Star 807 639.58 58.56 374.55 71,770.20
4-Star 2,398 341.98 56.93 194.70 39,154.12
3-Star 5,286 234.37 53.81 126.11 26,091.81
2-Star 2,373 167.63 52.89 88.65 17,118.55
1-Star 92 123.10 45.16 55.60 11,574.81

Top 10 tourism cities based on average room rate (CNY / Room / Night):
(Sorted by star level)
1-Star 2-Star 3-Star 4-Star 5-Star
Dalian 454.55 Lhasa 456.52 Hangzhou 718.96 Lhassa 543.47 Lhasa 1,249.45
Beijing 328.90 Taiyuan 298.35 Beijing 381.45 Shanghai 521.24 Sanya 1,020.04
Shenyang 184.77 Beijing 297.18 Shanghai 334.61 Beijing 483.57 Shanghai 991.63
Kunming 175.16 Wenzhou 275.72 Guanbgzhou 324.18 Guangzhou 462.60 Harbin 904.27
Shanghai 173.73 Guangzhou 271.96 Shenzhen 322.65 Zhuhai 455.77 Jinan 897.17
Ningbo 153.88 Haikou 249.54 Shijiazhuang 307.27 Nanjing 423.42 Guangzhou 851.80
Hangzhou 104.32 Suzhou 241.57 Fuzhou 298.83 Shenzhen 415.68 Beijing 814.72
Guiyang 75.76 Shanghai 241.24 Tianjin 285.26 Huangshan 399.75 Shenzhen 744.61
--- --- Fuzhou 234.77 Chengdu 281.26 Xiamen 395.39 Qingdao 681.85
--- --- Hangzhou 233.49 Xining 178.15 Hangzhou 394.32 Zhuhai 677.09

Top 10 major cities based on average occupancy (%):
(Sorted by star level)
1-Star 2-Star 3-Star 4-Star 5-Star
Shanghai 75.34 Fuzhou 87.92 Zhnagjiajie 77.23 Changsha 80.56 Lijiang 76.43
Shenyang 58.97 Lanzhou 73.45 Changsha 72.11 Nanning 75.68 Nanning 73.29
Kunming 46.40 Xi'an 72.49 Fuzhou 71.32 Lijiang 71.73 Sanya 72.68
Guiyang 38.30 Guangzhou 71.20 Zhuhai 67.74 Nanjing 71.54 Shenzhen 72.47
Beijing 31.37 Shanghai 70.84 Shenzhen 67.09 Haikou 71.29 Nanjing 71.73
Ningbo 29.04 Harbin 69.53 Nanjing 66.27 Shenzhen 70.45 Fuzhou 71.61
Hangzhou 26.67 Shenzhen 68.32 Jinan 65.32 Fuzhou 70.25 Xiamen 69.98
Dalian 9.91 Nanjing 66.75 Guangzhou 62.35 Shanghai 70.14 Changchun 68.07
--- --- Xiamen 61.92 Hefei 61.08 Sanya 67.30 Shanghai 67.96
--- --- Changsha 59.77 Shanghai 61.07 Zhuhai 66.31 Zhuhai 67.71

Sizes of Travel Services and Their Business Statistics in 2015

According to the China National Tourism Administration, there were altogether 27,621 travel agencies in mainland by the end of 2015 and 26,342 of them submitted sales figures, accounting for 95.37%. In the whole year, they organized 14.2681 million inbound visitors and received 19.9466 million, increased by 1.17% and decreased by 0.4 respectively. The number of outbound visitors organized by agencies added up to 48.7480 million, an increase of 19.69% in comparison with last year. As for domestic tourists, travel agencies organized 143.07 million and received 156.7368 million.

Data Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of People's Republic of China
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- Last updated on Jan. 26, 2025 by Sherry Xia -