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China Inbound Tourism in 2012

Compared with the outbound tourism, China’s inbound tourism did not do so well in 2012. The total tourist arrivals decreased and the trade deficit increased. Even so, the year’s tourist arrivals numbered 132.4053 million producing revenue of 50.028 billion USD.


Statistics of Oversea Tourist Arrivals

2012 (million) 2011 (million) Growth (%)
Total Tourist Arrivals 132.4053 135.4235 -2.23
Foreign Tourists 27.1916 27.1120 0.29
From Hong Kong 78.7130 79.3577 -0.81
From Macau 21.1606 23.6908 -10.68
From Taiwan Province 5.3402 5.2630 1.47

Total that stayed overnight 57.7249 57.5807 0.25
Foreign Tourists 21.9487 21.9410 0.04
From Hong Kong 26.7100 26.9159 -0.76
From Macau 4.3157 4.2794 0.85
From Taiwan Province 4.7504 4.4444 6.88

International Tourism Receipts 50.028 billion USD 48.464 billion USD 3.23


Statistics of Oversea Tourist Markets

  Statistics of Foreign Market
In 2012, China’s inbound tourism continued to grow as the number of tourists from abroad reached 27.1916 million, an increase of 0.29% over 2011. This produced total revenue of 30.188 billion USD, up 5.365%.

The Asian market was the largest accounting for 61.23% of the total, reaching 16.6488 million. Following that was the European market, with arrivals totaling 5.9216 million, 21.78% of the total. The third was the American market, with 3.1795 million arrivals and taking up 11.69%. The arrivals from Oceania and Africa were respectively 0.9149 million and 0.5249 million, accounting for 3.36% and 1.93% of the total number.

Reviewing the reasons for travel, those who came to China for sightseeing/leisure formed the majority, with 11.6290 million arrivals and accounting for 42.77%; followed by 6.2802 million who came for meetings/ business, making up 23.10%.

Top 17 tourism source countries
Order Country Number of Tourist Arrivals
(Unit in 10,000 persons )
01 South Korea 406.99 -2.76
02 Japan 351.82 -3.83
03 Russia 242.62 -4.34
04 United States 211.81 0.09
05 Malaysia 123.55 -0.77
06 Vietnam 113.72 12.99
07 Singapore 102.77 -3.32
08 Mongolia 101.05 1.64
09 Philippines 96.20 7.57
10 Australia 77.43 6.63
11 Canada 70.83 -5.31
12 Germany 65.96 3.55
13 Thailand 64.76 6.50
14 Indonesia 62.20 2.18
15 United Kingdom 61.84 3.80
16 India 61.02 0.61
17 France 52.48 6.43

 Statistics of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Market
Although tourists from Hong Kong and Macau decreased in 2012, they were still the largest source of China’s inbound tourism. The tourist arrival from Taiwan grew rapidly.

The arrivals from Hong Kong were 78.7130 million, a decrease of 0.81% compared with that of 2011. But Hong Kong continued to be the largest inbound tourism source, accounting for 59.45% of all inbound tourists. Among them, 26.7100 million people stayed overnight, down 0.76% and accounting for 33.93% of the visitors from Hong Kong. The revenue from Hong Kong tourists was US$10.908 billion, a 1.40% reduction.

The 21.1606 million tourists from Macau accounted for 15.98% of all inbound tourists, a decrease of 10.68%. This was the sharpest drop of all the inbound tourism market falls in 2012. Among them, 43157 stayed overnight, up by 0.85%. The revenue from Macau tourists was USD 2.787 billion, down by 0.86 %.

Tourists from Taiwan increased by 1.47% and numbered 5.3402 million, up 3.84%. In all, 47,504 stayed overnight, an increase of 6.88%. The revenue derived from Taiwan tourists increased by 2.68 % on the previous year to USD 6.145 billion.

Data Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of People's Republic of China

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- Last updated on Jan. 27, 2025 by Sherry Xia -