Macau Hiking Tours

Macau01 : The Ruins of St.Paul - Largo do Senado - Monte Fortress - the Museum of Macau - St. Anthony's Church
As the picture shows, this ruined church is a very famous attraction, called the Ruins of St. Paul. Almost every tourist who comes to Macau will go to see it. Of additional interest are the several streets around it that specialize in antiques, attracting many collectors and buyers.
It takes about one half day to get around the Ruins of St. Paul. There are also many other attractions nearby that are well worth seeing, such as Largo do Senado, Monte Fortress, the Museum of Macau and St. Anthony's Church.

Macau02 : Largo do Senado - Rua do Dr. Soares - Rua Central - Avenida da Praia Grande - Avenida da Boavista - Calcada da Penha - Estrada de D. João Paulino - Rua de S. Tiago da Barra - A-Ma Temple
This itinerary is very suitable for those who want to get to know Macau well. It is a long itinerary, but you will learn a great deal about the cultural differences between the West and the East.
Start from Largo do Senado and then turn left on to Calcada do Tronco Velho. Along the Calcada do Tronco Velho, you will come to Largo do Santo Agostinho which is paved in cobblestones and lined with antique green streetlights. On the left side of Largo de Santo Agostinho stands an attractive church, called Igreja de São Agostinho in Portuguese.
After that, walk along Rua do Dr. Soares, Rua Central, Avenida da Praia Grande, Avenida da Boavista, Calcada da Penha, Estrada de D. João Paulino and Rua de S. Tiago da Barra, and finally reach the A-Ma Temple.

Macau03: The eastern end of Av. Almeida Ribeiro - Largo do Senado - the western end of Av. Almeida Ribeiro
Begin your walk from the eastern end of the Av. Almeida Ribeiro, which is one of the major streets in Macau. On this avenue, you will find museums, churches and also many restaurants and stores. The core of Av. Almeida Ribeiro is at Largo do Senado. Here there is a plaza which is a popular place for people to take photos. Several lanes branch off the avenue and you will find a stroll down one or two of them very interesting. When you get to the western end of the avenue, you can see the sea.
Tip: At night, this avenue becomes very vibrant. It's ablaze with light and many people stroll there.